
"Hey, so Marlo has the one thing we know of that scares the everloving shit out of the master. Maybe if we promised him ten or twenty or, fuck it, a hundred million dollars, plus a way to rid the world of the FUCKING VAMPIRE APOCALYPSE he might be willing to not only give us the book, but also gun down the master's #2

I mean, in theory you could use one to get to an island somewhere that could promise some amount of safety. I can't exactly imagine the FTWD crew trying to get Abigail to Hawaii or anything though.

I could definitely see them getting away from LA if not just for budget purposes.

So, the boat is totally gonna be FTWD's version of the farm, right? Getting gas, fishing, weathering some storm (maybe the miracle tornado from TWD has become a typhoon of doom!), dealing with pirates or other survivors, the inevitable engine fire, about ten times as much angst and philosophical crap about the world

I love how the new character (the head of the evil conglomerate, remember) can just waltz into the dome with a team of commandos and stroll PAST the gunfight into the funeral home. I guess the kinship hadn’t surrounded the building, which lines up with their general level of effectiveness to this point, while at the

Hiveminds! Implied dog murder! Frank Whaley! Yet another way…out of the impenetrable dome? What will they throw at us next?

This show remains a big ol’ ball of nonsense and it makes me smile.

*Hannibal stabs The Blacklist right in front of NBC*

FUCK. FUCKING. STANNIS. With any hope (like that's possible after watching that scene but still) Davos may end up being hand to a much more likable king with a crazy ginger, a wildling army, and a giant who all owe him a solid for getting that gate opened.

I don't know how the added creative freedom would have changed the show fundamentally, but I honestly believe that if Hannibal were in the HBO lineup instead of NBC's "Oh well, it's not costing us all that much, so I guess we'll keep it on and occasionally promote it" format, the show would be a Game of Thrones level

None of the changes would affect their timeline though, since it only creates a new one. In the aborted timeline we saw before, Cisco still dies. So Barry would be gone (off to the new timeline), Eobard would get away, and they now have to deal with metahumans on their own, I think.

Okay, so in that case, everyone who wanted Barry to travel back in time to save his mother was advocating for the destruction of their own universe via black hole, no? If nothing else, he'd be dooming them to life in a city full of dangerous (and a lot of seemingly mentally unstable) metahumans and other criminals

Is it weird how they never discussed that the best possible outcome of Barry traveling back and saving his mother is HORRIFYING? If successful, he'd return to the present as a stranger in his own life. At best everyone else would be erased from the timeline as we know them and replaced with their alternate selves,

Do you think Eobard was upset he didn't at least get a livestream of it? I mean, he liked Caitlin just like he liked Cisco. The guy may have been a time traveling supervillain, but he had feelings.

I spent every moment of the last two episodes waiting for a helicopter to crash through the roof of whatever building the characters happened to be in at the time. It would have been hilarious. Nice to see Fish survived that gunshot wound so she can make it to the "Penguins eat Fish" scene, though.

I can't think of another episode of television that's ever had a phone as its dramatic crux, much less one that carried the "Oh shit!" feeling like this one.

I can't decide which part of this episode was the best.

I won't lie, I fistpumped with glee when Cole went back for Ramse. Maybe it's because I'm a fan of Kirk Acevedo, but I was so disappointed when they seemingly rushed him into the role of the witness, I assumed he would either go full evil or not make it out of the finale alive. As soon as he gave Cole the syringe to

"Hey, you seem like you're acting really weird and unhinged, and this is a zombie apocalypse where even the slightest security breach could result in the horrific deaths of everyone we know, but could you close up for me? I know I'm on gate duty and all, but I did arms yesterday at the gym and you seem like the man

Agreed. If this had been something that came after a whole season or so of Ramse bonding with his child or Elena were still alive, it could be a hell of a twist. This was just really, really rushed. I'm holding out hope that Ramse isn't really the witness (Olivia only refers to him as "Traveler"). It seems like she