Two things:
Two things:
I’m a Mets fan (so obviously hoping for a quick exit from LA) but can definitely see why a baseball fan would root for the Dodgers. Clayton. Kershaw. The man is the Maddux of the younger generation. But he is stuck with this “unclutch” narrative that is garbage IMO. Baseball is a 162 game season and we judge a pitcher…
Because you are dead inside, have no soul, and look at Donald Trump and think “Yes.... yes.... this man and his ideas should be given as much power as our society can grant.”
I actually really enjoyed the Cardinals’ book. I mean, there’s a lot of senseless violence and it has some questionable things to say about black people, but the prose is spectacular.
Is “Stick to sprouts” your final answer?
Yea, but is Flacco elite?
So a group of people dominated an area for many years until outsiders moved in, took over everything, and routinely massacred the original inhabitants. Interesting.
In a few weeks we’ll find out Kostek is actually 40 cans of Bud Light in a wig.
“Whatever you do, don’t give us an insurmountable 10 point lead.”
Counterpoint. Go Fuck Yourself.
At this point, I almost don’t care if this story is true (It is). Watching Pats fans live down to the stereotypes with hysterical commenting is reward enough.
I love Pats fans. Their arguments are amazing.
So Goodell wanted to get back at the Pats... by making himself look like he was in their pocket, abusing the powers of his office to protect them?
As a Mets fan, I cannot tell you how fulfilling it is to see another team go through the joy of one these stupid, self-inflicted non-stories that will be overwrought for the next 24-48 hours and then largely forgotten. Much of this season has had this Twilight Zone feel for the Amazins’. Cespedes good, Gomez bad? What…
Just to summarize this grammatically tortured post: You’re saying that the main reason a tawdry rumor about Derek Jeter FUCKING A TEAMMATE in the sauna and then submitting to sexual blackmail at the hands of an HIV-positive clubhouse attendant is considered “unbelievable” is because people RESPECT Derek Jeter.