Imperator Furiosa

I spent 2011-2012 getting my life in order, and at the tail end of 2012 I met an amazing boy and we just celebrated our first anniversary. So 2013 was pretty incredible — it felt like a year of being rewarded for working on my emotional health and adulthood skills. Excited for 2014 though! I hope yours is even better

The first four months of 2013 were great. The latter eight months, though, will always be remembered as the time my fiancé and I were forced to live on opposite sides of the planet. I think we learned a lot about ourselves and each other and our relationship, but having to spend our entire engagement in a LDR was

Nice! My year was most ok; very busy with lots of ups and downs. Happy almost-2014! Wtf how is it going to be 2014.

Does anyone else know of the site imgur? I keep getting attacked by MRA nitwits there UGHHHHH them and their T&A posts are driving me bonkers - I feel like Jezebel is truly the only place I can come to be in among thoughtful, sane strangers on the internet.

New years is probably my least favorite holiday. My life is pretty nice, I hate being reminded how fast time is flying by!

Oh, he broke up with me. Which in turn makes me feel kind of like a doormat, because I do deserve to be with someone who is also in love with me. But I just want him in my world. It's so hard not to contact him.

......and that is brilliant.

Thanks to all for your words of advice and support last night re: my ( now ex) boyfriend loving me but not being in love with me anymore. He came over last night, we exchanged christmas gifts, had sex, then he asked why I was being quiet and of course that spiralled into us breaking up. I've unfollowed him on Facebook

Anything said during sex has to be discounted and after an orgasm doubley-so.

I am sure the Supreme Court has ruled on this

Totally using this the next time someone tells me to get my lazy arse out of bed.


Copper IUD 4 lyfe.

Responding only to nip this shit in the bud:

Did we watch the same video? I'm not sure why you would consider hiring puppies when they show such demonstrably poor craftsmanship. And kittens? No wonder your husband would be upset! Kittens would do an even poorer job! Their mouths couldn't even fit around the paintbrush handles. Please consider some kind of human

My Rule*:

1. If I can't do it with my vagina, then you have to do it half the time. To my standards. Without being asked. If you have to "learn" to do it first, fine, but learn quickly. No? Then you don't get to live with me. Or date me. The end.

Sound unfair? Go fuck yourself. My standards aren't anything special. If

Ok I got a solution if your fella doesn't wanna clean:

They're canadian models you probably haven't seen them, they mainly do like Tim Horton's ads.

This project could have been AMAZING. The shoes are really cool, and I don't at all mind the concept, actually. The accompanying stories, however, are insufferable. This guy has the emotional maturity and intellectual prowess of a freshman philosophy major who insists his teachers all give him Cs because they're

Hey y'all: preemptive strike. If you think this is a space to talk about your personal sexual preferences in terms of nationality, ethnicity or race, it's not! XOXO LUV YA