I. C. Weiner

Mostly agree. The bigger question is why the Feds own the land in the first place and what jurisdiction the BLM has to “manage” it. Wouldn’t it be better managed by the state?
Why should I, living in Tennessee, have as much say as you about the proper use of the public lands that surround you? Federal ownership

So what can you do there now?

You’re right, because he’s the most divisive President ever.

But women in first world countries are less likely to be victims of violence than men anywhere else in the world, and less likely to be victims of violence than women anywhere else in the world. A few murders doesn’t change that.

All it takes is a swipe at the carotid and a cop could bleed out in minutes. They aren’t made of steel and they are human beings who experience human emotions, such as fear. It’s easy to sit behind a computer and say “oh if someone was coming at ME with a knife, I would never draw my gun” but if you’ve never

Watching liberals try and bash a black socialist for disagreeing with TNC has been pretty great. I’m loving 2016 so far.

Except those of us that live where you get a lot of snow, dont do it. Its normal to get a foot overnight and you just sweep off the car and go to work like it’s nothing special here. It’s honestly ineffective and really gives you no advantages while stretching out the wiper tension springs.

So wouldn’t that point to the issue being psychological in nature, but the solution that is sometimes chosen is a physical one? Your answer does clear it up for me a lot, so thank you.

He didn’t say anything that isn’t true. Just because it doesn’t fit your closed-minded liberal views doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a point.

Try reading the article.

Flame away, but transgenderism is the only mental illness with surgical body mutilation as the “cure.”

Torch, is this part of the new Gawker, and now Jalop, focus to jump in on social issues?

I will 100 up both of you. I was In Iraq during Desert Storm. As an Infantry soldier, in combat and against a battle proven enemy.

Retreating soldiers do NOT equal surrendering soldiers. Plain and simple.

If you do not want to get shot or blown up, you drop your weapons, exit vehicles and wave a white flag. Just like

Have fun living in fear. I choose as a woman to not live my life in constant fear. To assume everyman i come into contact will hurt me is crazy.

Be friends, watch him go through a couple break ups. Does he talk shit about his exes? Does he stalk them? Does he get restraining orders against him?

You’ll still have jackasses doing wheelies on the highway though.

Yeah let’s shit our pants over marketing hype and non-existent prototypes!

And that decrease in foreign consumption has fuck none to do with Obama, at all. Zero. None. The boom was starting before he even took office. Its not like he discovered the Bakken, built oil companies to frak it and put it on market. He simply benefited of statistic by coincidence. He really hasnt been a huge

Oh really? Didnt know. But most of those countries dont have the economic capabilities to field these weapons and Poland and Czech are some of the best allies ive served with who spend what they can on military resources. They know what Russians are like, and theh love their autonomy now. The only good thing to come

Her husband was killed by a crazy guy with a gun. I think she is entitled to express her opinion on what would have prevented her husband’s death. Sounds like she had a civil and intelligent discussion with the President. I disagree with her but appreciate the dialogue.