The only thing the FCC will do is add government jobs, and raise costs through higher taxation.
The only thing the FCC will do is add government jobs, and raise costs through higher taxation.
there used to be farming in Greenland, I think we will be fine in the long run.
Idiocracy, one of my favorite movies, resembles somewhat a version of "Brave New World" just on steroids. I think this is the appropriate time to upload this picture. Hopefully you can enlarge it..
Thank you for writing this article on why undereducated, underachieving individuals should outpace the intelligent, hardworking, educated, wealthy people. I now understand why these rich people should have to subsidize the living of everyone else at their expense, it's only fair. I now understand that I was merely…
You obviously have never worked for a major corporation in a call center environment. This is common, I have seen it happen many times over the past 15 years.
I'm probably gonna get a lot of crap but hate working for comcast/talking to angry customers? I got news for ya, quit your job and look for another one. Not exactly a novel concept here.
Actually, if Top Gear is to be believed, cycling lanes in the UK are more of a suggestion than a "cyclists must go here". Between parked cars, trash, signs,cars entering the road, and buses, the cycling lane is constantly blocked or choked to the point of not worth using.
I'm a commuting cyclist and can attest that most drivers don't give a hoot about cyclist so you MUST ride like you're pretending these cars are always coming to get you.
Oh look. A post about The Simpsons. Cue the 100 losers posting about how only "their seasons" were the best ones.
"And that is why this person is wrong and they should be sterilized. Sincerely CMB"
Of course climate change is real! We had ice ages, tropical ages, moderate ages, and now of course, the gullible age! The earths climate has various long and short cycles, seasons, magnetic pole shifts, and lets not forget the most important and influential factor in our climate, the SUN! The sham is all the global…
Of course climate change is real! We had ice ages, tropical ages, moderate ages, and now of course, the gullible age! The earths climate has various long and short cycles, seasons, magnetic pole shifts, and lets not forget the most important and influential factor in our climate, the SUN! The sham is all the global…
Oh this is fantastic! Plus it gives some insight and context —
Why does everyone ignore the fact that rss satellite data shows there has been no global warming in over 17 years despite increasing CO2?
It's really amazing the way sites like this stick to their guns. Despite reams of articles proving every which way that AGW is a fraud, they diligently stick to their Democratic Talking Points like there's no tomorrow. Which, according to them, there won't be unless you immediately donate $100 to Greenpeace.
It took me like 2 minutes on the phone to cancel with comcast....
Don't get so high and mighty. State-side Niagara Falls looks like a dead town.