I. C. Weiner

You certainly haven’t picked very good places to work for 15 years if you think all of them are “stealerships”. My family have worked in many of the big three dealerships, and while no place is perfect, they are no worse than any other repair facility of some sort.

Did you know Musk canceled the order of a reporter because he got pissed at him?

So women don’t want jobs? Or safety from being raped or shot by illegal boarder jumpers? Liberal women don’t want the government to leave them alone?

I see, you want handouts right? For being a woman? You want a guy that works 2 years longer at a job to get paid the same amount as a woman that’s only worked there 6 months?

Can I come over to your house and protest in your living room? If I start yelling at you you’re a Nazi murderer, you’ll just stand there and do nothing for 2 hrs, right? You promise right?

Just admit it, you don’t think any republican meets your requirement. Which shows you have a skewed view of the world, one completely encompassed by your political belief’s and not one foot in the real world.

LOL, you don’t even know what you’re talking about. There are plenty of sane black people that went to check out Donald at his rally and came away impressed by his supporters and Donald.

LOL. Tell a blind person they can tell the difference between a white person and a black who’s assimilated.

Not contractually. Forced upon management by law. Did you even read the article?

Don’t you get it??? Global WARMING, err CLIMATE CHANGE causes Autism!!! It’s OK though, CLIMATE CHANGE has scrambled your brain also to make you think it’s a drug doing it. We feel sad for you. We shall redouble our effort to STOP Man made catastrophic warming, err, Global WARMING, err, Climate Change!

A power targa roof? Next year I suppose Mazda will add power doors too?

I want to make sure I understand your position.

When’s the Gawker Fire Sale to pay Hulk off start?

When’s the Gawker Fire Sale to pay Hulk off start?

Um, what? People of color Assimilate just fine. You are one of the few people that seem to think color matters.

So equity means taking away from people that worked hard to become successful and handing it to slackers? Lol

The larger issue is making the subjugation of any one group “worse” and worthy of reparations.

So you consider every adult human on the planet a part of the birth mother’s body? How ridiculous.

I bet you don’t look at children. I bet being around them now makes you uncomfortable.

When are women going to approve forced abortions at the request of the father? How is “I am not ready to be a mother” an excuse for abortion but “I am not ready to be a father” is not?

The owner of Paragon brought this on himself when he let his buddy sell his car there.