start with 50 years of democrats that ran flint into the ground with boondoggles like “autoworld” and government pensions a poor city cant afford.
start with 50 years of democrats that ran flint into the ground with boondoggles like “autoworld” and government pensions a poor city cant afford.
Lol. so you are also for putting obama in jail for making war on libya without getting a legally required approval from congress?
lol. do you even know one poor person?
The citzens of flint voted in incompetent city government for 50 years.
So what you’re saying is Flint has had ZERO actual water engineers working for them that understood how to run the Flint water works?
LOL, because the last 8 years of a democrat as president have been sooo wonderful..
So you put in 11,000, and you will end up getting what? $100,000 a year when you retire?
It’s obvious you don’t have a clue about Flint.
The state has nothing to do with city coffers. Get a clue.
So when union workers get paid 50% more than the equivalent private sector job holder that’s not raping the public?
How many state workers ran the city water works? Zero.
Contracts don’t run forever. You can write a pension into your current contract with the union, but no contract no pension.
I’m guessing you live in Flint?
HAAAHAHA, never going to happen. It’s a Democrat city, run by City unions.
Sue the EPA because the citizens themselves screwed up and continued to vote in Democrat after Democrat that couldn’t run their city?
The people of Flint, just like the people of Detroit, just like the people of New Orleans, just like the citizens of Washington D. C. the voters in Set Louis, do this to themselves.
And I’ll add, CO2 is plant food.
Wind will always cost twice as much.
To bad Wind power’s LCOE is twice as high as every other method of producing power.
So we should start pushing the NBA to get off the stick and do something about the lack of shorter white guys in the league?