
Although I admire your logic, there is only fact about Trump that is relevant: he doesn’t care whether the things he says are true. I suspect he doesn’t know in most cases, but I am convinced at this point that he absolutely does not care.

Refusing to leave a business after being asked to do so is a crime - it’s called trespassing. By all accounts, that crime was committed in this case.

Look, this is very simple: the wall is never coming down.

Dude, it seems like this is just you. Have you tried contacting customer support?

I don’t think this will help at all. Why isn’t he talking about regulating the mobile game industry? That segment is now bigger than console games, and it’s still growing. That’s where the whole free-to-play model originated; that’s where game companies are making incredible amounts of money day after day with these

Only a very few of these are what I would call science fiction.

Cartoons were not particular more or less racist than all the other media at the time. There are plenty of extant examples of racist dialogue in movies, books, and newspaper stories.

What does the Halal part of the name mean, in this context?

Great article, thank you Jason!

You’re absolutely right about the casual vs hardcore market share:

Dare I ask “what do you teach about climate change in your class?”

A cultural icon and role model.

If you think that clock says the bath should take three minutes, you’re reading it wrong. Those sweeps are the movement of the hour hand, not the minute hand. The bath time indicated is from shortly after 7 pm until 7:30.

Do you know what “blood is thicker than water” actually means? The blood is family, and the water is friends. It’s a metaphor. If you’re going to complain about something, complain about that - friendship is water? That’s a real reason to say WTF.

Maybe unethical? What possible argument is there that it’s unethical?


Muslim is not a race.

Yeah, they call for it. Literally. They don’t shoot for it or bomb for it, they call for it.
See the difference?

“My religion says I should kill everyone who doesn’t already believe in my religion. Stop persecuting me, I’m just evangelizing.”

“acted like adults”? You mean when Ted Cruz read aloud from “green eggs and ham” to prevent the rest of the government from doing its job?