
If you genuinely think that a AAA, live-service game (technically two games) with 10+ years of total development from 1000+ people “only” cost 500M... I have a bridge to sell you. I wish game studios were more open about their costs to help stop the vast spreading of misinformation about game development, but for some

Yep, and as with most other Destiny articles, the comment section will be filled arm-chair developers talking about how “cheap” or “greedy” Bungie is. The gap of knowledge between video game players and how those video games are made has widened greatly over the past decade. It’s almost like AAA+ live games developed


My god people are so fucking dumb. Sorry you dealt with so much absolutely ridiculous hate from your awesome work here. I will follow your work wherever you end up. Honestly, you deserve better than this hell hole anyways. Best of luck!

You rock man. Truly one of the few “originals” that made things interesting around here. Best of luck with what comes next!

It’s not “gate-keeping” to share your opinion about a shitty video game. Also, saying a shitty game “looks like shit” isn’t “clickbait” at all. It’s literally just stating the author’s opinion of the game in the title. I really didn’t expect the top comment on this article to be someone trying to defend an obviously

You sure can, but it literally performs worse than in handheld mode, and doesn’t support “modern” TV features. I didn’t even think about the fact that the Switch Light has the same hinderance that a TV-only Switch would: no ability to “switch” between play modes. So yeah, maybe a TV-only version isn’t as crazy as I

I’m pretty sure the only reason Nintendo won’t release a TV-Only version of the Switch is that they shot them selves in the feet with the branding. The entire appeal of the Switch is around “switching” between handheld, tabletop, and TV play. The problem is, a lot of people have zero need or desire for

Is it too much to ask for TV-only version of the Switch for those who don’t care about mobile gaming? I just want to be able to play modern Nintendo games on my TV without the frame-rate issues the current Switch hardware has. It would be a lot cheaper to produce a Switch without a screen... and they could sell the

Ah ok I misread your comment as condemning the general use of social media to find his daughter. Yeah the idea of using your new audience to share about the potential personal trauma of your kid is scummy, although we don’t know if that’s the case or not of course.

Eh if I had a large following that is absolutely what I would do in that situation. Social media is a powerful tool for stuff like this, and it obviously paid off for him. I would go as far to say that his online efforts probably reaped for more action and results than going door to door or just posting signs on light

This is gonna be good. Welcome back.

I demand that all US competitors be required to get a temporary US flag tattoo on their forehead before they can compete in events. In fact, just do that for all competitors from every country. Otherwise it’s far too difficult to know what country they represent for the average TV viewer.

that’s cute as hell

My wife and I got into Grounded a couple months ago, and I definitely recommend people give it a shot if you’ve been waiting to play it due to it being in Early Access. We’ve got dozens of hours of play now, and we haven’t even finished the current story content (of course I’m sure you could blast through the story

Tiny Tina was easily the most beloved character in BL2 by myself and the group of a dozen or so of my friends that played the hell out of that game together. Her DnD-themed DLC is easily the best content in BL2. An entire game featuring both? Sign me the fuck up!

holy shit that baby that eats you wtf

Good lord, this was a PERFECT replica of a 90s commercial. Incredible.

Oh maybe I misread the text, but I thought it was referring to ANY game needing to be moved to the internal storage. If it’s just PS5 games, then yeah that’s on par with X/S-only games. Although “X/S Enhanced” versions of existing games can still be played off an external no problem, just without the next-gen benefits

Yikes. I plugged my external SSD into my Series X on day one and was able to instantly play whatever I wanted.