
looks like prison jammies or maybe a cult uniform

So we’re okay with the rest of that outfit then?

Deeply uncool to use a header pic of his children as well. WTF? So lightweight when it comes to basic norms and ethics, even just for “reporting.””

Too late. She’s an asshole, and has been one for a while. This is probably not even her final asshole form.

the night was ‘consistent’ with her past contact with the student in question who she had previously had a ‘short-lived romantic relationship.’”

Based on the victims past behavior, we conclude his actions were consistent with him asking for it.

I was willing to give him a pass until I read that he used a bat. Punching the guy would have been understandable but the only person you get to use a weapon on is the rapist (just claim the attack was consensual). 

My cat loves to headbutt me, but she is enormous (sometimes I think she might be half-bobcat) and every time she does it I feel like it’s about to break my nose.

I got a sense that caging Dr. M. with intent to use his body for their own purposes fit in EXACTLY with Kalvary’s beliefs about their being entitled to use black people as they saw fit. They never thought “There in the cage is God, and he is black”; instead, “There is a black man with something we want, so we will

“Entomologists who study cockroaches often become allergic to them. At the same time, they become allergic to most brands of pre-ground coffee.”

“feminism is dead” as a thing is completely news to me, but maybe I’m not as Extremely Online as I used to be.

I know that you will dismiss this, but honest query.

Humanity deserves to fail if this is the philosophical quandary we’re currently faced with: whether to wear a perfectly functioning coat or not because it’s SO last season. No wonder the fashion industry is the number 2 polluter.  

As the most norm-core of cis-middle-age-white-guys, I can’t begin to fathom ever having even a passing thought about whether the winter coat I bought just last year was ok to wear this year too. How did it ever get to this point?

I’m just thinking about how much waste the clothing industry generates and reading this makes me very sad.

I’m gonna go ahead and guess that “Metaphysical Meghan” isn’t all that into the scientific method. Or critical thinking. Just woo woo. 

Sure, just let me peel off my winter coat, hat, gloves, scarf, boots, wool jumper, long sleeved t-shirt, tank top, skirt, wool tights, another pair of tights and underwear. Oh, no, I missed the three minutes of sunlight we get per day in november! I guess I’ll just have to try again tomorrow

Metaphysical Meghan probably hangs out with the “self licensed life coach” I keep running across on Facebook.

First gambit: physical aggression and violence.

I’m disgusted that some info from his dates who found him scary and violent was excluded (because young men may respond badly to rejection) while info from Grace’s dating activity was seen as somehow relevant to the dude killing her