
You used Red Lobster as your leading image. So my best friend and I were fed up with the lobster festival commercials. We decided to finally go and we drove out to Queens. In the end, with NO drinks the bill was something like 80 bucks. Underwhelming, dried up ass lobster, stringy shrimp, dried up ass

If Rick Santorum was ever shot, I truly hope someone performs CPR on him.

Honorable mention for anything Astrology related. Mention it and my brains immediately checks off the “Were done here” column and moves on to anything else.

Rooo, the first thing I thought was that he won’t be flayed as bad as some black women who commit terrible offenses like having sex or announcing on Instagram that they weren’t paid enough.

So I don’t get the bullshit “I’m pro 2A” statement as if it is defiant, revolutionary or thought provoking. Absolutely no one is arguing the 2A should be repealed, guns should be confiscated or black people shouldn’t have access to guns. Kids are dying in schools, on their way to school, sitting on their blocks and

I love his solo stuff and RTJ, but damn, he played himself. I can’t say I’m going to stop listening to him over this, if I gave up on every celebrity that espoused a shitty position I wouldn’t have much music/movies/sports left to enjoy. Not to say there isn’t a limit where I won’t give up on someone, like R. Kelly,

Oh Mark’d Mike, as soon as you saw that you counter programming to the #MarchForOurLives, your ass should have been on the ‘Gram, back peddling hard against your BS (not Bernie Sanders) commentary. Real friends don’t set up friends to come off as insensitive assholes unless they’re out to get theirs and cares not

I’m shocked, SHOCKED that Bernie’s house negro allowed himself to be used by apolitical organization that values White possessions over Black lives.

As an older black man... who grew up in east Oakland... I’ve learned a few things, one of which is: never take the advice of a person who calls himself “killer <anything>”. That person is always a fake ass bytch.

Every Bernie Sanders Stan who used Killer Mike as the ultimate “He has a black friend!” move can now, officially, kiss the blackest part of my ass.

The point is that being pro gun ownership and being the NRA are very different things. He did play himself.

Now playing

Hey, anything other than actually trying to reduce the number of guns in this country.

They’ll have the entire school using Skype from their homes instead of going to class before they even consider passing common sense gun laws.

I am so amused at how he thinks it’s super insulting to call a blogger a “nerd.” It’s like he’s saying, “Nuh’re just not dumb enough to think I’m funny!”

I knew Michael Che back in 2008 / 2009. He was a fledgling comedian in NYC and attended many of the same open mics I was attending. His sets were unmemorable with lazy jokes about girls and race, but he was quite popular with the mostly dude regulars and I guess well connected. I left NYC in 2010 and moved to LA. When

This is funny, because coffee and bong hits is my usual breakfast.

If they come for you, I will fight by your side. That place is expensive garbage and the decor reminds you of a time when your grandparents weren’t allowed to swim in public pools

I know you’re in the UK, so there’s maybe some difference. But from the American white men I know and grew up around—including friends and former friends of the white male I married—they feel like they’re owed. A lot. This was the primary motivation former white male friends are no longer my friends. It doesn’t matter

Have you eaten at cracker barrel?! that place is gross and disappointing. #comeformecrackerbarrellovers

This article misses the point

The reason American workers don’t save isn’t because they don’t have special accounts to save in

The reason American workers don’t save is BECAUSE THEY DON’T MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO SAVE