The Germans solved the road wear-and-tear problem by making cars that are too expensive to buy and never leave the shop.
The Germans solved the road wear-and-tear problem by making cars that are too expensive to buy and never leave the shop.
Our President-elect is so self-centered that he plans to spend most of his time in NYC, not Washington
All cops are evil. All whites are racist. All republicans are nazi’s. All men are misogynistic.
Like you could afford a new Porsche.
Still butt hurt I see. As bad as he is you have no evidence anything you said will happen nonetheless be required. Time to move on with life.
Then you deserve a better, less snobbery-inclined wife.
Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.
I too am an engineer!
That’s a bullshit answer from someone who has apparently never driven on ice.
(I live in LA, but went to school by Lake Superior at Michigan Technological University and grew up outside of Ann Arbor. The roads here don’t turn to “ice”, you’re just a shitty fucking driver)
So you’re fine with CORPORATIONS trying to MAKE MONEY?!?!?!
Get out of my Starbucks. I didn’t study art appreciation and feminine studies for 8 years to serve coffee to the likes of you.
It’s craven because the author can’t see past his own prejudices...
so we can make shit go faster than it did stock. next question?
Ford has also developed an optional Ford branded “short-stack” package for 1720.99 CNY. This includes a step-stool with a rubberized surface for easy access to the vehicle’s interior and a booster seat so the driver can see what’s in front of them while driving.
Crash, not accident.
Isn’t the lifespan of a Chrysler minivan usually measured in transmissions, rather than years?
You’ve got to be kidding me. The Chiron has been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can.
Angels have a thing for watching over babies laying in tufts of hay.
On an average day, how much time would you say you spend thinking about the size of people’s penis size based on the vehicles they drive?
Addition: Mater and Sally are having an affair, and when Lightning is catching on to it, Mater and Sally decide to clip his brake lines so that he will die and Sally can collect his life insurance. They take the life settlement and run off to Central America where they pay off local politicians to keep them safe.
This is patently untrue.