
It literally is. Last year it was an amateur driver in a Ferrari, and the same thing this year. I'm beginning to question if they should let the weekend warriors out on the course with the professionals. The closing speeds are just too high, the amateurs don't have the skill to pay attention to all of the variables.

They have been mandated to carry a smaller fuel tank than the rest of the cars though, so despite their fuel savings they will still have to pit about as frequently I think. Something like 40-50L instead of 80L. But they'll still be saving serious amounts of rubber, they can run foreeeeeeeever on a set of tires!

Looking even more Cayenne-ish than it did already. Nissan took an ugly design and made it worse.


But what is the definition of junior operator? Isn't it only those under 18? That's a pretty narrow subset of the data. If that is the case, it is no wonder the data skews that way. The more telling data would be breaking it down by age, say 16-18, 18-20, 20-25, 25+. I suspect there would be an alarming number of

Jalopnik writers go on regular diatribes about calling girls booth babes... Torch goes to show, immediately refers to them as booth babes.

You know, there is an easy solution for all of this. I haven't gone to any cars and coffee, and maybe they do this already, but I've never heard anyone mention it, so here goes. WRITE DOWN THEIR PLATES ON THE WAY IN. Make sure they know you have their plates on file when they enter the lot. If they get caught doing

I don't count it as a fail either. He never even tried to launch... he was too busy inserting special keys and pushing button combinations to be bothered to look at the tree. If he had stalled it/not launched well/etc it would have been one thing, but in my mind, they just ran the race before the dude was ready. His


You're safe. They said "coolest", not "most over budget" or "longest time to completion".

Maryhill Loops Road. Not technically a "track" (there are no pit/support facilities), and not a "loop" either (I didn't make up the name, so don't kill the messenger). It is however, a very technical hill climb venue that is regularly rented out by local car clubs. Also, anyone who has seen the recent Cadillac CTS ad

Nice looking course, though you may want to hold on to this gem until they do the QOTD for the midwest... just sayin'.

As far as Porsche's system, you put the car in drive/1st, and then as soon as it detects you applying throttle, it begins sliding the clutch. This happens with varying degrees of smoothness (at least in the carrera GTS I drove).

It looks like a Mazda 3 and a Viper crashed head on, and the Lamborghini designers just looked at it and said... ok, we'll work with this! But they never worked with it. They just kinda... left it.

Ahhh you beat me to it! Need moar amphicar for high speed water entries.

I don't get why everyone is so angry. They seem to be taking some pretty good lines. Just listening to them talk, they seem to be pretty cool car guys who know what's up.

If that were the case, he would have known that the first rule of car build is, you do not talk about car build.

I could be wrong here, but I'm not sure ChiefPontiaxe is referring to just the car. 'Mustang' has some major euphemism potential.

An open letter to BMW:

There's two of us in this country? I thought I was the only one. Well huh, would you look at that. * vigorously shakes hand* DAMN GLAD TO MEET YOU!"