
I wasn’t too mad about it in general & especially not in this case since Dakota Johnson is actually talented and cool 

It’s a major U.S. business. Maybe it’s not making steel or building computers, but it is a billion-dollar industry so when it takes part in prima facie fuckery, it should get at least some scrutiny.

I’ll applaud any time Congress gets off its collective ass to do anything that isn’t blatantly self-serving and/or detrimental to the country as a whole, so let’s just call this one a win.

No, my son. Faith is what makes everything work optimally, and that’s why we need 15% of your income as tithing.

This is where promotion would have helped.

While I loved Letterkenny (partly because I grew up near Listowl and have friends from there), it had worn out it’s welcome. Ending it after this newest season is the right call but.....

idk if I was especially emotional, but *spoiler* the end of the movie had me full wet teared face in the theatre. Seeing Priscilla leave Elvis and the cage he had her trapped in, wanting more for her daughter, and needle dropping Dolly Parton was one of the most cathartic scenes in a movie this year.

“My father only comes across as a predator and manipulative...He was so much more than that! He was a fat slob of a culture vulture who groomed my mom when she was a literal child! Get it right!”

Tasha found the tent so hot this year she had to quit the episode.

That they used the term “hysterical” says so much, good lord.

It’s a hot day in the tent, so I don’t need to say more at this stage.

Yeah, I wasn’t sure how the hell they could turn the character Shoresy into a successful Shoresy, but they sure as hell did-- I’ve been very pleased with both seasons.

Nah, he’s just a cunt.

“Images produced by Lisa AI,” the ad’s disclaimer reads. “It has nothing to do with this person.”

I’m coming to realise that I may not always agree with Johansson’s views as a person, but I’ve always enjoyed her acting and I absolutely support her actions to protect her business interests.

I’m not castigating Barsanti for doing his job. I’m castigating him for his shitty, unwarranted tone and judgment of mourning people’s statement. He was clearly trying to imply that it wasn’t speedy enough or good enough, and fuck him for that. I stand by what I wrote 100%. 

Jezebel gonna Jezebel... I’m surprised Barsanti didn’t sneak in some snark for this article.

i don’t know what kind of metrics make a good actor or comedian, but he changed the way people use sarcasm in conversation. just by his delivery alone. like it or hate it, that’s what he did and that’s kinda extraordinary.

Lets give him his due in this time. Matthew Perry was chosen from thousands to be part of Friends based on the strength of his audition. They ‘found’ the character in that room. Millions watched the show - acrosso the world - and enjoyed it, because they repsonded so well to the cast. And for many he was the funniest

Seriously, fuck your thinly-veiled judgment of their statement. You are not owed anything. Celebrities are people, too, and do not owe you a public performance of grief. Their friend died. Let them grieve.