
No show can last forever, but they can put it new actors... they have makeup... the show is usually darkly lit anyway... and they can just write something to explain them looking old.  They already had an episode where they all looked really old because they stopped feeding.

Or... duh.

That’s what they’ve done for Luke and Poe’s X-Wings.

True enough. They’ve always called it “Luke’s X-Wing.” He never named it, even though he had it since he was 18. Only capital ships and the Millennium Falcon have ever had names said in movies.

Boba Fett doesn’t seem like a hero yet. He owed something to the Mandalorian, so Fett has honor, but I don’t think he’s a hero. They showed him going in and killing all of Jabba’s people in cold blood at the end of S2.

That’s what I think too.  I thought Boba Fett was going to die in Mando S2 and Mando was going to end up with it then, but I still think he eventually will.

Nearly all companies using the word “slave” are doing this. Companies that make hard drives and other devices that use the terms “master” and “slave” are changing the terminology on their products, software and in their technical documentation.

the kind of packets he keeps in a pillowcase ain’t the Internet kind.

Gunn says that Peacemaker is a prequel and a sequel.

I remember shit like that from when I was a kid.  I got a GI Joe vehicle as a kid and the included action figure had 2 left arms.  I felt so helpless.  

I can’t remember if it was Nintendo or another site, but I think they make you click a button confirming that you did in fact copy the codes before you can move on from that screen.

My dad always setup game consoles that we got for Christmas the night of Christmas Eve so when we woke up it was ready to play. Now I do the same to my kids, which is even more important because of console updates. I do wrap the console boxes and they open those before they know it’s already hooked to the TV or

As a non-book reader myself, I would guess they wouldn’t want to attempt that until they know why beings with a Y chromosome died, since they don’t know if male fetuses would survive.

The SnackWell’s Devil’s Food Cookies were as good as the original, and it became the only way to get that Nabisco cookie. I’m pretty sure that because they were “fat free” that Nabisco just turned the original ones into SnackWell’s since I never saw the original red and yellow package again.

I use my Microsoft account to login to my Windows 10 PC, and it doesn’t stop working if it’s not connected to the Internet, other than things that require the Internet to use. I can also create accounts that don’t have a Microsoft login.

Now tell us how big Disney’s pile of money is.  Or better yet, how small the piles of money are for the supporting actors that are probably screwed by this as well.

“she will be fine.” Disney will also be fine if they honor their contract with her or had renegotiated.  What smaller earners on the film are also screwed by this?  She’s the one that can afford to sue Disney.

No Japanese person is going to say it’s written in English either... because it’s not English.  It’s Japanese written in Latin characters.  No one said it was written in the Latin language.  Where did you even get that idea?

I own what is probably the most recent blu-ray of Howard The Duck and it is a Universal release.  Interestingly though, it doesn’t says Lucasfilm anywhere on the box, just “George Lucas Presents...” at the top.