
You can’t collect unemployment if you were fired for a disciplinary reason. If their employee handbook is vague enough on this, they can easily fight an unemployment claim. Since the coffee shop asked them to resign, and if they did, then they signed a resignation letter. If you quit, you cannot get unemployment,

Don’t forget a dog murderer.

Hahahahahahah. You think that James Comey was the only person at the FBI looking at the emails? The FBI director personally did the investigation himself and successfully covered up that he was implicated in the Clinton Foundation in those emails? AHAHHAHA

Trump constantly pretends he is a genius. Not once has he ever said he is stupid or doesn’t know something. He claims to know about everything and will tell you lots about his high IQ.

True, he didn’t even care about the rich old man that fell down at Mar-a-Lago and was bleeding. Trump said it was so disgusting and he couldn’t look.

I kneel during “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.”

That is why white people don’t have a cousin culture. For plausible deniability.

I’m from a white southern family and that is how my dad has made potato salad his whole life, and how his mom made it for him. Instead of dill though, he uses sweet pickle relish. I hate that white mayonnaise potato salad. The first time I ever encountered that, I didn’t even know it was potato salad.

True, but my point was about outhouses and spiders. Black widows and false widows build webs that are very sticky and laid out for the widow to sense motion and quickly attack, which is what you don’t want under the rim of the outhouse seat where your dick dangles.

You don’t really want the spiders either. There are many cases of black widows taking up residence just under the rim and men sitting on the toilet (or whatever you call it in an outhouse) and having their dicks and balls bit.

They’re not confused at all, they’ll just ignore it or only say that the kid was a thug and shouldn’t be stealing and not mention the clerk.

Asians are the “model minority” so Soon-ja Du can get a pass on murder. This guy is “middle eastern” so he doesn’t.

If that’s what the phones are for in school, in the very rare and unlikely event of a school shooting, then why do they use them otherwise?

I didn’t grow up with no Math Blaster or Mavis Beacon. I grew up with IBM Selectrix and memorizing times tables.

Imagine you, your husband, and a baby sitter on the couch for six hours. What could you get into? Forget the game.

Doesn’t seem to be able to be abused. The people that the owner of the game invited to play still only have a demo of the game. So they can’t start their own games and invite others.

At my house I can walk naked from the bed, through the open doors of the bathroom and pee without touching anything. But I do touch the flusher, so I wash my hands anyway.

I DO NOT make skin to skin contact with myself inside my underwear when I poop. And I rarely do when I pee.

You list the X-Chef mixing bowls, but the accompanying picture is of Gabbay mixing bowls (with blue bottoms). The link below the picture is to the X-Chef bowls (with black bottoms) which don’t work with the promo code. 

You list the X-Chef mixing bowls, but the accompanying picture is of Gabbay mixing bowls (with blue bottoms). The

How much does it even cost to fly the helicopter to find a person breaking windows? Is the cost to reward ratio very high for this?