
Yeah I probably wouldn’t eat the ribeye because I wouldn’t want to support a bunch of assholish behavior out of my self-centered desire to have a ribeye.  That's how social responsibility works. 

I mostly agree, and of course this isn’t a review of anything. However, I do think an argument could be made that previous behaviour that affects customers is pertinent information?

The Omnissiah sees your caretaking of the machine spirit and blesses you 

“In my experience, super glue is not that super; it just barely does the job it’s advertised to do”

Some part of me is irrationally offended when people abuse mechanical objects like this. Maybe I anthropomorphize too much, or maybe I just don’t find much joy in destruction. I think it’s mostly the former, though—part of my brain is sad for the little car that just wants to work and didn’t do anything to deserve

I heard somewhere that fava beans compliment a nice Chianti beautifully 👌

Take a page from my book and get yourself feeling loosey-goosey with a nice glass of Chianti before you settle down to watch it”

Agreed. Tension between generations has been a thing in western culture for a very long time. It just seems both more hostile and more prevalent in the age of social media. There definitely needs to be more listening and genuine attempts at generational understanding, though.

While I appreciate you taking the time to write a thoughtful response, you lose me at “collective social attitudes and norms”. The 18 year span of people born from 1946 to 1964 is way too big to put under one monolithic cultural/political/social tent.

You are very right and I regret saying that the Republicans are solely to blame. The public good and political process have been warped by the dollar and the excesses of individual pursuit

Yep, my dad (a boomer) has said that he is really disappointed in his generation, as they had all of the resources and opportunities to really make the world a better place, but instead followed the path you described, generally putting their own personal interests ahead of everything else.

It’s irrelevant how individual Boomers think. As a cohort, the decisions Boomers made are as described above and now we’re dealing with the fallout of the direction in which Boomers steered our county. Boomers rejected the collectivist attitude their parents endorsed that saw them through numerous national crises in

We’re dumb. We happily trade away privacy for convenience, buy crap we don’t need and re-elect the same whores year after year. We indeed get the government we deserve. We could change it anytime, but we don’t, because we’re easily manipulated into believing the boogyeman will get us unless we vote how we’re told.

Because every Republican of the adult Boomer era spent all of the wind in their lungs convincing Boomers that the government was the enemy. Boomers have been a historically self-centered enough generation to have bought into it and rejected the collectivism that was one of the hallmarks of their parents’ generation.

Well I’m not against direct sales, but if you are truly “cutting out the middle man” you don’t need legislators in your pocket to protect your business model.

Right, the whole bit about “one standard” was a distraction (and looks like it worked quite well by the amount of people it convinced). From before California and Obama’s standards were pretty much in line with standards in Europe, so actually if you wanted one standard, that would have been the closest.

Yes, false equivalences are so powerful because of the illusion that they’re proposing analogous situations and that’s usually backed up by the person proposing such an argument having a belief that two things are “analogous.”

You’re entire counter-argument is a bunch of strawmen and false equivalence hypotheticals

“doesn’t it make more sense to be plowing your R&D and hiring money into EVs while pulling an FCA and keep your platforms/engines around as long as they continue to sell?”

The excuse that CARB established two standards was, and still is, a lazy out for these companies. GM was on track to satisfy CARB’s emission standards already because they were largely the federal standards pre-Trump. The CARB opponents backing out of those standards is a thinly veiled excuse to recapture money and