Damn you're right, I forgot about right to repair!
Damn you're right, I forgot about right to repair!
probably not too many, considering how difficult it is to comment on kinja mobile.
I’m typing on my PC,but own an Apple Iphone. I also am more than willing to call out Apple on all sorts of anti-consumer practices. It’s quite possible to own a product without being a total fanboy of it and realize that it can still be criticized.
People apply the term is so haphazardly, does it really even matter? I mean, Apple engages in legitimately anti-consumer practices, yes, yet you only tend to hear about it in a very narrow context. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo all have as well. From price fixing to anti-trust violations to glossing over widespread…
He’s busy bringing more COVID to Germany. Leave a message please
That’s a bunch of shit. I can't visit my parents in Spain. The only reason I don't get dual citizenship is because of taxes. I don't want to pay back taxes on my cars or home and so future earnings. :/ Consider yourself lucky.
Nein! Ze rulez have betrayed us! Ve are imprisoned by ze rulez! Zis is impossible!
You shouldn’t be going. Its Irresponsible as fuck.
It’s not just about keeping things where they used to be. Mercedes used to cram everything onto a single stalk. If the wiper controls were physical knobs on the center console, that would have been fine. The driver would have to get used to their new placement, but they would get used to it, and then muscle memory…
I’m just going to say this because I think I should: Spending hours and hours on a plane right now is not the best idea. At all. And yes- I feel you, wanting to see your parents. I haven’t seen my parents in a long time either and don’t plan on doing so until the pandemic is over. And they live in the US. In fact my…
I understand wanting to see your folks, but air travel at this time is no joke. There are doctors who have studied and treated patients with everything from ebola to SARS that have caught COVID from air travel. They said even wearing masks and wiping down like they would for other diseases didn’t work because they got…
“They had the law on their side” is not an argument, it’s an excuse.
One thing is for sure trump surpassed Reagan as the worst president in history. And the Reagan administration set the bar high for being a total shitshow.
I know a bunch of ranchers that eat horsemeat when their horses get too old, they also love rabbit stew
Changlis as a pricing unit needs to be a thing.
I dunno man, 6.375C (Changlis). That’s kind of a lot
Since it’s electric, the tax credit easily brings the price under 10C$ (10 Changlis), assuming you have at least 7.5C$ in tax liability.
Found the college freshman
“I think this car selling for right at the magic $9,999 mark would be enough...”
Can you point out what misinformation this site (Jalopnik) provided?