There is literally an article above this comment section that refutes your statement.
There is literally an article above this comment section that refutes your statement.
Unfortunately, Americans seem to like thirsty fame whores and chose to elect one as our president, even if he has no discernible knowledge of how to actually do the job. He’s the first president that wanted the office 100% for the fame/ego aspect.
TMF’s problem isn’t that he has too many fish, it’s that he has too few of what are known colloquially as “balls.” “I stay in relationships too long [b/c I don’t want to hurt people],” “please don’t call me an asshole in the comments,” “I’m sorry this letter is so long,” “[I don’t know how to tell another person I’m…
TMF’s problem isn’t that he has too many fish, it’s that he has too few of what are known colloquially as “balls.” “I stay in relationships too long [b/c I don’t want to hurt people],” “please don’t call me an asshole in the comments,” “I’m sorry this letter is so long,” “[I don’t know how to tell another person I’m…
I would go with this method for breaking up.
I’m a goddamn ESL teacher and a college professor currently working with students in Puerto Rico, where I live, to help them graduate on time when the government is trying to literally shut down every public university on the island.
wouldn’t that just be “resting bitch face”?
That’s what you look like after your team refuses to get on the payload/point for the umpteenth game in a row and you’re forced to hold it yourself. That support thousand yard stare. Kidding aside, walking around in an uncomfortable cosplay all day can give anyone resting bitch face, speaking from experience.
I don’t like hat music either. Trilby, Fedora, Bowler, Top.... don’t like any of ‘em.
In the first film, the chap who inspects the egg doesn’t have any reason to think he’s in a danger that his suit won’t protect him from. I doubt an Earth snake would have got through his face plate, for example. He suffered because the face-hugger had magical abilities he could not have predicted.
him and lucas...did they both drink some special kool-aid that fried their brains?
these colonists are so fucking dumb they don’t even wear helmets to visit a foreign planet...
It’s the difference between being an actual real, skilled writer, and being a hack who uses lazy, cheap, unrealistic shortcuts that leave the audience saying “What the fuck?”
Yeah, I don’t think the movies are trash like most people make it out to be. I really respect the ideas and themes of Prometheus about the created and their creators. Covenant was actually a fun date movie and the movie crowd was into it which made the movie a lot of fun, if you were not expecting it to be some grand…
If people acted like real peopel the movie might be worse. Half the crew would just cower in corners in the ship until the alien finally wandered in and killed them while the rest half-heartedly fought or put up shitty barricades that did nothing.
True but the problem with Covenant and Prometheus is the Competence level sometimes drops below simple common sense. Not only should scientists picked to go on these missions know better, most common people would know better. That’s what hurts these movies when simple rules of thumb seem thrown out the window when…
I forgave a thing or two there and wrote it off as “These people are in WAY over their heads” because the movie was pretty dope aside for the dunce moments. Easily forgivable.
Oh please, the lack of common sense in these sequels is staggering. It isn’t technical knowledge, it’s basic survival instinct, ie “maybe I shouldn’t put my face directly over this 3ft tall egg that obviously contains a dangerous animal, which is being shown off by an obviously off-his-rails android that I just…