I just did some math at my desk instead of working and a box in a field with an average 8mph breeze (the average in my town) will see about 3x the volume of air over 24 hours as the same box moving at 65mph for 90 minutes
I just did some math at my desk instead of working and a box in a field with an average 8mph breeze (the average in my town) will see about 3x the volume of air over 24 hours as the same box moving at 65mph for 90 minutes
I dunno about that, seems like you’re underestimating the volume of air that the Earth’s constant atmospheric circulation moves. I'd be willing to bet that a box sitting in a windy field 24/7 sees a higher volume of air than a car on a highway for an hour a day.
“The image, through which you can almost taste the Minions t-shirt of the author”
I agree with your comment insofar as “advertise” was a poor choice of words, but journalists have a good deal of power in something having a spotlight shone on it or languishing in the dark. When you guys find a game you like, you’ll do your damnedest to write about it and give it advertising, whether the content is…
Ah, interesting insight! I can't say it's to my taste, but it's definitely an aesthetic
Why does this filtering tech need to be attached to a car though? If it’s just a passive filter, put a bunch of them on posts in a field. What’s the difference between wind passing through my filter in the middle of a corn field and capturing carbon and wind passing through my filter on a (probably) ludicrously…
Go get 2 goddamn construction lights from Lowes and it would look better than this.
These are cool and all but this venue is lit like absolute ass. Someone give these people $200 for a few more stage lights
Go find commenter ibesushi on this website on any article related to NFTs and/or GS. That dipshit will give you an eyeful of the hoops you need to jump through to get on the same page as these people
Now with added Trump allyship, go Subaru!
“they’re tools for a job I no longer do”
“food industry to Pharma, to Tobacco, Insurance, nearly everything not to mention oil”
You seem hellbent on making excuses for the gun industry so I don’t really know where to take this conversation with you. If you think the firearms industry doesn’t tailor its message to entice and enflame its target demo trough lies, false claims, suppression of public research like the CDC has protested they do on…
“many considered it to be a controversial troll move”
Well, I encourage you to read Cayde-6's response to the notion of personal responsibility, I think they said it well. Please read it and try to suppress your boner for American individualism for a moment.
“This is no different from Tobacco and big pharma”
Indeed! I was thinking about that when I chose the word insurmountable. I think what you bring up is a legitimate challenge, but it should also probably just be something we’re considering generally for moving into the future of more sustainable energy production. If the demand for increased power is there, I think…
Good points! Other than rural routes, I'm not sure I see a lot of insurmountable objections to this plan
Possibly, I’ve never really considered that. I think lifting immunity would be a step in the right direction and would probably be adequate in curbing a lot of manufacturer behaviors people find undesirable
No it wouldn’t be like that. The firearms industry is uniquely shielded from being held liable for their actions, it’s literally called Gun Industry Immunity. The firearms industry can and does make any number of irresponsible mmanufacturing decisions, false marketing claims, etc that lead to the use and misuse of…