Hehe, me too
Hehe, me too
I usually try to give a big openworld game about 10 and I'm just about there now
I find it hilarious that my swearing about how much I disliked my old car is now immortalized in a Jalopnik article
The 318, I'm pretty sure its power output was decently below what it was supposed to be
Haha! Damn this game pushed you to your breaking point!
Thank god for the patriots writing these essays
Haha, yeah! Every time I found myself in a tight parking lot...I cursed my hubris
Idk about worst, but the ‘69 Barracuda I had was a real dumb piece of shit. It couldn’t do anything competently other than go in a straight line; the engine it came with was mismatched to the size of the vehicle, making its acceleration and top speed...poor, the ass-end looked stupidly out of proportion with the rest…
Comparing “mask acceptance” to how it’s been in Asia in the past, outside of a pandemic scenario, and our current need for masks is pretty poor reasoning
Super duper, I’m sure the folks in Georgia, Serbia, and Belarus read a lot of western journalism and the events of their countries being invaded and bullied by Russia didn't happen
Meanwhile I can’t over how un-fun and demotivating this stupid weapon durability design choice in this game is =(
It's all nonsense because folks don't want to acknowledge that it's just design aesthetics
Hmm, that sounds like you're trying to manufacture a narrative that doesn't really exist, but you do you
Me too, particularly in crowded places
I see what you’re saying. I think in the particular context of an airplane...it’s a hard argument to make. A) You’re trapped in a very small enclosed space, so the perception is that the person breathing 3 rows ahead of you is *directly* influencing your potential exposure to COVID, and that’s backed up somewhat by…
I dunno, I appreciate that you’re pro-mask, but it kinda sounds like you’re interpreting masks as a binary activity and it isn’t, ie masks provide no benefit unless the compliance is absolute and uniform, and that isn’t the case. If you wear a mask at the ice rink concession stand when you’re in closer proximity to a…
“No worries about assimilation into American culture here”
I'm waiting for that idiot who's always here in the truck comments to tell everyone that the reason we have such enormous front ends on trucks these days is for necessary cooling efficiency
Yeah, or you do something like a D3 and set up a real money auction house for your NFTs