
A vast improvement. The "best Jeeps ever made" are like the best turds I've ever deposited in the toilet

I started Warframe and if the current state of the intro is the developer's idea of a more user-friendly "eased-into" experience, than I find it completely unsurprising the revamp made no difference on their retention numbers

Doubled-down, double is the verb.

I wish him luck in his post-cataract surgery recovery 

Great long(er)-form article, Kate! A good read.

I’m not sure that vampire war wiki page really makes a compelling argument that Omnipedia wouldn't be a better option...some real Class A dongs at their keyboards over there

I can’t star your comment on Kotaku...damn Kinja and greys, but I see you!

Go ahead and remove Man Eater from my wishlist

Acting like a spoiled brat when you don’t get 100% of what you want is not progressive. I consider myself onboard with a progressive platform and ideology, and yet I found the die-hard Bernie followers whose motto is “Bernie or Bust” to be completely counter-productive

The Bernie Bros are one example of extreme leftists. They share some similarities with their extreme right-wing counterparts, but I found that the most aggravating part of their brand of extreme liberalism is that if a candidate falls short of their expectations or just disagrees with their ideology, they’re happy to

Chop that throat! 

I've never seen a more punchable throat than the one in the header pic 

If I could have this say “welcome to corporate pandering of your sexual identity” I would

I’m gunna have to call bullshit. As someone else pointed out, the word has an agreed upon meaning, to describe members of the homosexual community, and the intent to co-opt or alter its usage is meaningless to someone hearing the word

This was my experience living in Germany for several years, it was like America circa 1993

Are gatcha games more like gacha games or gotcha games? 

Train goin' that fast...vaporize anything in its path

Thank you for mentioning the 5G, this accident saved the lives of literally billions of viable sperm 

This is a strange economically warped time we live in, but right now the camper and RV market is so insanely hot you could make money on a camper or RV you bought 20 years ago. My brother recently sold a Casita from the early aughts for twice its value from a year ago

This is super shitty, especially since the game is 9 goddamned dollars in the US.