
I used to do the same thing in WoW, clipping through walls to get into areas that were out of bounds. Pre-cataclysm there were some really cool and weird areas that had some similar stuff to this, like weird experiments the devs made. I’m still bummed that I lost all the screenshots and videos I took of them.


Hi! Okay so: A couple people already pointed this out, but yeah this is something that’d make a level designer cringe a bit, like “Oh crap they found a hole in the collision”. To the uninitiated though it’s pretty cool looking, innit?

Am I the only one who was underwhelmed with this game? The Core combat is still great, the online hasn’t changed in like 4 titles, so it’s still good.

I will never understand this mindset. “Man, if only gamers had tolerated a product that didn’t meet their expectations we cold have gotten DLC.” While every criticism sure as hell isn’t valued, stop pretending that consumer desiring decent products is somehow indecent. “it was still 100% playable” Wow. Hot-damn. What

Welp. See you in 20 years/never again, beloved series.

Why?? Vanilla I get, but BC was a garbage grindfest

What is Lynch king?

Today I learned a lot of people don’t know the difference between difficulty and an insane fucking time sink.

I’m not! Even if this just takes one person to make happen, it’s a waste of that one person’s time, and a waste of resources that Nintendo could be allocating to the 3DS or Switch Virtual Consoles.

I just don’t get the appeal of cheating at competitive multiplayer games. You’re not actually winning anything.

The same reasons that its acceptable for these sort of people to not work and let the taxpayer hand them everything. They are trash.

Having played the developer’s last Souls-like, I’m not at all surprised it isn’t good.

Only time I cheat is in single player games...And normally after I get fed up with the game (getting stuck on the fucking flying city boss in FF XIII...And for a story that shitty there was no way I was going to grind levels.)

Sad excuses for human beings. Only way this game will succeed when it launches is if it starts hardware banning people.

I’m hard pressed to imagine someone sadder than a person that spends hundreds of dollars to cheat at a video game. What kind of sad, pathetic life would a person have that the only enjoyment they get in life is ruining an inexpensive game for other people? Since nothing they are doing reflects on their own skills or

I’ve been excited about the Necro since they announced, but does anyone else feel like $15 for a single class and some arguably completely cosmetic extras is a BIT pricy? The base game & act V expansion are like $40 now, right? Just seems like too much to me.

There was a game on the Wii called Fortune Street. It was a lot of fun and in a similar style to Monopoly though not exactly Monopoly. I recommend it! My friend and I played it a lot.

Sounds like an alright dude. Hopefully he doesnt let success mess with his head like it has with other well known developers.

More like PlayerWellKnown. Amirite, guys? Guys?

Ive always wondered why so many white characters have cold powers such as Iceman, Ice, Polar Boy, Icemaiden, Killer Frost, Captain Cold, Mr. Freeze, Jack Frost, and Blizzard. Or plant based powers like Floronic Man, Black Tom Cassidy, Solomon Grundy, Man-Thing, Swamp Thing, Plantman, Dryad, Blackbriar Thorn, and