
Slightly off topic, but does anybody have the slightest idea why Capcom completely ditched Darkstalkers?

I certainly won’t be the first one to underestimate the power of Nostalgia, but honestly, by this point... after the Wii, 3DS, AND Wii U’s Virtual Consoles, not to mention the NES Classic (which, admittedly, is relatively rare), just how many people want to play these NES games anymore??

That s why complaining works people.

why did they put SF5 art on the side?

Nintendo: altertates between hitting home runs and intentionally setting the ballpark on fire.

Then minute you have to use your phone to play a online game (voice chat) you messed up the online portion of your gaming console. Plain and simple

This is quite possibly the stupidest hardware setup I have ever seen.

You don’t even need a chute, you can just strap a second switch to your head and let it take the impact.

See? That’s why this thing isn’t made of glass. Now I can finally go base jumping and not be bored on the way down.


I’m kind of the same. If I really like the look of a game, I’ll buy it, but I do not buy any of the DLC. Not unless it gets bundled down the road, and put onto a deep discount.

Seconded. All the more since the last time I ended up pre-buying a season’s pass for the DLC after the first half of a game really excited me, the second half was so disappointing that I haven’t touched the DLC to date, years after.

I’ve played open betas of games before and bought the final product of said game before. What bothered me is that on most of the games I’ve played that were open beta, your progress didn’t carry over if you bought the final product of the game that was in beta. Does anyone know if Arms has this unfortunate problem?

I was pretty excited for this but after playing the beta this is going to be a hard sell for me. It’ll be probably fun for an hour or two with a few buddies but I don’t see much beyond that.
Given my love for beat em ups I’ll probably check in again when the next beta starts just to see if my opinion shifts.

They’re going to find a way to fuck this up. I just know it.

Couch co-op is a perfectly recognizable and widely used alternative to ‘split-screen co-op’. Get over yourself.

Alice: “How many long loading screens are you on?”
Bob: “Like maybe 30 or 4o seconds between each level dude.”
Alice: “You are like a little baby. Watch this”

It can be really frustrating on games in which you frequently die. Bloodborne is one of my favorite games of all time but before they re-optimized the load times it was a massive effort in cultivating zen in between deaths

Man, I love Dan, and that says a lot, because when he first started at GB, I hated Dan.
