
Reading comprehension seems to be a problem for a number of you.

They didn’t need anything.

blaming him for being stubborn... deflects responsibility from Nissan. Sure, he could have just sold it to them... but if someone doesn’t want to sell you something they legally own, the correct response is to keep raising your offer... OR decide it’s not worth it to you...

You clearly have no idea how to negotiate.

No, you can ask the court for “costs” at the conclusion of that lawsuit but even if you are awarded costs, they’re are usually a fraction, eg 70%, of what you actually incurred.

You’ve got no basis for this assertion. None.

Yeah, this!

Oml 😯

Ha ha, there’s a lot of supposing going on in your post.

A dividend is your share of the company’s earnings because you’re a shareholder.

Huh?! “wow” was my response to DigitalSandwich’s blunt, entitled, and obtuse comment.


I think you need to transition as many people as possible to a new email address and set up and out of office reply that says “this account has been compromised” or “this account has been the victim of ID theft” or delete your account entirely. You can try to use filters to try to ensure it doesn’t go to your

I know you were trying to sound smart but who “sounds like” they should be replying to post? That doesn’t even make sense.


The Fitbit Zip.

I read your last post asking people if they continue to use their activity tracker and the comments. And having used my fitbit for 4 years, I would say the best advice is to stop expecting so much from it - pretty much the opposite of “use all the features”.

Just keep a record of the burner password - email it to yourself.

I just realised that almost all of ours seemed to involve places we frequented often. Even the one that didn’t involved my mother placating us with food!

You don’t sound like you should be giving financial advice.