I sometimes post that line and I do it because somehow millions of people claimed to be so bothered by that email server issue that they let this guy into office and still use that issue to defend their irrational choice.
I sometimes post that line and I do it because somehow millions of people claimed to be so bothered by that email server issue that they let this guy into office and still use that issue to defend their irrational choice.
Mad at Comey for reopening a dead scandal.
Yeah, but those emails....
Dammit, I wish him and Kim would just knock it off and hook up already. This “will they, won’t they” shit’s getting tiresome.
RIGHT?!? JJA had so horribly mutated and mutilated the franchise with his non-reboot reboot, taking place in an alternate universe mind you, that people have totally forgotten that Star Trek was supposed to be about issues. Trek has always been at its best when it was less about action and melodrama and more about…
The “right-wing” stuff feels a bit hollow because the first movie ends with a bunch of rich bureaucrats’ heads exploding (followed quickly by sodomy).
Ignaty, I love your reviews but can you just stop with the right-wing stuff about the first one? It’s fucking nonsense. One of the big climaxes of the movie was Colin Firth beating the crap of some proto Trump voters, you don’t have to shriek BUT THEY KILLED OBAMA over and over. It was a dumb fun movie and an equal…
You’re right. She should...take this article defending Louis CK down? Maybe you should take some anger management courses?
(Also, Katie was around constantly pre-Kinja. She’s been here for a long time.)
Learn to read, be nicer to people and maybe check out some court documents, because gawker did not get shut down for libel.
No, I was always like this.