
@egyptiansu… Beef =/= meat

Do most people allow social network apps like Facebook to sync with their contacts? I've always been worried that it will mess them up.

Have you ever met a dog?

If you want your pet to be a locavore, set him/her loose in the woods to catch dinner.

I'm about to get back into the dating world after ten years (!) and you folks are terrifying me! Is there anything I can put in my profile that will not scare away / annoy lovely feminist ladies?

I think you need to re-evaluate your concept of "crazy"

CORRECTION: If no one who has your contact info uses an iPhone, problem solved...

Who said it was for photographers? Who says you're using your own image?

While most men don't like, or don't admit liking RomComs, they do have a powerful influence on men. They teach us that we can "make" a woman love us, and that if she doesn't, we just aren't trying hard enough. They teach us that if a woman is with someone else, he is probably an asshole, and she will eventually come

Here's a chart for you:

Isn't there a type of olive oil that's good for cooking? This seems to suggest I use olive oil for baking?...

Why do we keep making monitors wider and shorter, but also keep putting information in applications at the top and bottom?

I have a Steripen, which works on the same concept, and it's awesome (as long as you remember enough batteries). Building it into the lid seems smart.

No. I rarely button the top button and I've never had a shirt fall off.

Seriously, we need to start banning people for this.

Do people not read the commenting rules? "Slow news day?" or "duh!" type comments are a bannable offense.

Or just have bacon for dinner!

Blaming parents is one of the Internet's favorite past times, right up there with lamenting the state of "this generation"

Extrapolation Fail?

Can someone confirm if this is correct: iPod Touches cannot RECEIVE Airplay streams? So I could not hook up a Touch to some speakers in my den, and then stream airplay music to them? If that is true, isn't that...weird?