
Dollars to donuts anyone who is offended by the term “cisgender” has used the word “woke” pejoratively.

While “thousands” is technically accurate, it doesn’t appropriately convey the scale.

I understand the need for corporate policies that remove discretion, but “this decision is final” seems a bit heavy-handed, especially when there is evidence within their own app that should support her “unsafe” actions.

Kick Knack Paddy Whack...

The listing says that the Carfax shows it originally being an American-market car that was imported to Canada in 2021, so repatriating it shouldn’t be a problem.

If you can beat the interest, it’s a no-brainer to take the loan, but you don’t necessarily need to beat the interest for the loan to make sense.  Liquidity has value.  I don’t think it’s unreasonable to buy a $60k car if you have only $60k in savings, but don’t drain your savings to avoid a car payment.

The answer to that is both “yes, and...”, as well as “yes, but...”

I’ve also read this several times and can’t make sense of it. I know each of the individual words, but strung together in this order, it’s gibberish.

Consumables that you know you will need soon are worth picking up on sale, but sitting on “inventory” waiting to need it just to save a few bucks doesn’t save you anything if you have spent those savings on other parts that you never end up using.

20% buyer’s premium? Isn’t that excessive? I’m used to seeing 10%, but maybe 20% is the norm in the UK.

... it wouldn’t work for the super commuter with a 180-mile round trip work trek, or one who sits in stop and go traffic.

A compelling case could be made for a Mustang from pretty much any generation that doesn’t have II in its name, but if you said to me “Every Mustang now costs the exact same. Which one do you choose?” I’d pick the 2015 GT350, and that says something.

Impreza. For a long time, my default answer to “I just need a car” was the Crosstrek, but $5k seems like a lot of money for an extra inch of ride height and some plastic fender flares.

I’m on your side TheWalrus. Even with the screenshot, without being told I should be looking at his tattoos, I wouldn’t have noticed. Yes, if you look at his tattoos, they are clearly and obviously nazi tattoos, but you have to look at his tattoos. Beyond noticing that someone has tattoos, I almost never make it a

Apparently, Oregon’s DMV purges its stolen car database every few years...

Why did I think of National Lampoon instead of Blazing Saddles?

Sometimes is seems like nobody wants to work more for less pay anymore.  What a shame.

I’ll take the over.

At some point it became more special to have a non-Eddie Bauer Explorer.