So...They've already got bigger injectors for E85, the fuel system is compatibe, etc. I see great potential here with turbo upgrades and tuning.
So...They've already got bigger injectors for E85, the fuel system is compatibe, etc. I see great potential here with turbo upgrades and tuning.
1961-1965 Lincoln Continental.
I seriously doubt that Joan Rivers can blush at this point.
If I ever wrote a movie about a serial killer, he'd drive a Beige Camry. If he's trying that hard to blend in, you know he's up to something that would gross out Hannibal Lecter and Dahmer.
I take it you frequent the dirtyimpreza forums?
@Elhigh: Nice! Best "yo dawg" I've seen in a while.
@SirNik84: So...the first thing you did after you bought it was steam clean the upholstery?
@Chgu: I feel your pain. I miss the original Death. I think I'll go watch "Dirty Work" to feel better.
Will this be the greatest landslide winner ever in NPOCP history? It sure looks like a contender. It's even too nice to swap a V8 into.
@K5ING: I strongly recommend it. Buy the DVD, it's worth owning.
@K5ING: Of course I know Torinos. I grew up in them. Those and an early Bronco were my Dad's rides of choice. You apparently missed the Big Lebowski reference.
@K5ING: Wait a sec...a guy who drives a Torino and bowls? Does he also wear a bathrobe and drink white russians?
@eatadonut: Define "fantastic". They click at some torque you dialed in? It's one thing for it to function, another for it to be accurate / repeatable.
@narf: Fair enough, Craftsman quality isn't what it used to be. Rachets and sockets are OK, though.
That's a Harbor Freight tire pressure gauge in the photo. I'm all for them for tools you'll rarely/one-time use, don't have to be precise, and won't hurt you if they break. I would never buy a torque wrench, tire pressure gauge, jack stands, or calipers there. Craftsman or better, IMHO.
@Turbineguy - now with Firefox!: Good to go if you get a Z06 of ZR1
@HammerheadFistpunch: ^ COTD??Anyone?
@dal20402: Brilliant! Put these rims on your car, and you can park wherever you want. They'll think you've already been clamped.