Small Flowers

Even if that happened (and it won’t) you stay in these things until you run out of money. Why do you think half these Republicans are still in the race? Hell, why is O’Malley still in the race? Some idiot is giving them enough money to keep the operation going. Bernie has enough in the bank to keep him going until

I'm pretty sure the guy breaking individual donation records is probably not going to drop out. 😂

Clinton doesn’t know how to work the system, she personifies the system, as in fitting effortless into it, while giving the perception that she would fight for the average citizen’s wellbeing, when she’s only interested in upholding the status quo. I’d pick the guy with the great ideas who might win over the public

It’s really starting to weird me out how concentrated/contrived these simple thumbs up motions keep seeming (like her air guitar/banjo on “Ellen”).

She may love the debate schedule, but many liberals don’t.

Thanks for the link! This provided great context.

“They could have used a more gender neutral phrase, like “political spouse.””

You are living in an idealistic world if you don't think that there are people out there voting for Hillary just because she's a woman.

Honestly, I want another white guy as President so we don’t have to worry about racism or sexism being a giant impediment to cross-party cooperation the way it has been for Obama. Especially this woman in particular, who the Republicans absolutely loathe.

I’m only slightly older than you are, and IDGAF if our president is male or female. I want a president who represents ME and my lower middle class values. I don’t ask for much!

I didn’t have doubts about Obama. I knew it was time for a black president or a woman president, but the more I saw of Obama the more sure I was that he was the one. I experienced certainty, as a lot of people did. I so wanted Warren to run. The more I learn about Hillary, the more I study her history, the less I find

Well, I’d love to have a Female President in my lifetime, but I can’t in good conscience vote for someone I feel has zero integrity. I’m past the point where I willing to vote for someone I don’t like because it’s strategically advantageous to do so. I’m supporting Sanders because he aligns with ALL my values, which

People should not get to be president just because they are a woman. Nor should they be president just because “it’s their turn.” This isn’t the playground where everyone gets their turn on the swingset. This isn’t a monarchy where it’s so-and-so’s “turn” to have the throne.

You say her ideas are pragmatic, but all I hear is that her ideas are easier than they are good.

Maybe someone can enlighten me, but doesn’t a universal health care system work in pretty much every industrialized nation where it exists? You might be stuck with a doctor you don’t like, you might have to wait for a while to see a doctor, but basic care should be an improvement in 100% of cases compared to the US

She really is a bad campaigner - she uses right wing-like tactics and its so offputting to a lot of dems. This is exactly why she lost against Obama. Attacks don’t get votes on the liberal side.

She forgets sometimes. It’s hard to keep playing the role of Democrat, when in your heart you’re really a centrist Republican.

a) i feel like i remember him saying already that yes, he would probably have to raise taxes slightly for everyone?

*hillary has difficulty winning the left flank of the democratic party*