Small Flowers

Again, no they’re not. Just because they’re independent doesn’t mean they’re in the middle.

She has said that in direct reference to abortion. Making abortions as rare as possible. If she meant it in the context that you’re referring to, then she should have said something to that effect. It’s an outdated way of framing the issue that concedes the conservative viewpoint that abortion is wrong/immoral.

I tried finding the exact speech, but I’m on my phone and I’ve about expended as much battery life as I can.

But what you’re saying if just your opinion. Polls show that Bernie is a stronger general election candidate than Hillary Clinton. Stronger then any candidate from either side.

Except that Planned Parenthood is getting a lot of shit from people like myself who both support Sanders and have donated to PP.

Far more likely than Hillary Clinton, who while supportive of Planned Parenthood, has spoken about women’s rights with a slight Republican tinge.

This is the reason I no longer identify as Democrat. I’m Hispanic, and I’ve worked as an activist, and from being on both sides of the shitfest that is American politics, I’ve grown to realize just how...I don’t want to say two faced, but the Democratic party is far more concerned with identity politics and lip

You’re not challenging anything - you’re just demanding that I accept your interpretation.

If you’re going to make a point about the difference between rapr and sexual assault, go ahead and die on that hill.

Um, Bill Clinton has faced other accusations.

It disgusts me that only in the context of Bill Clinton are liberals/Democrats totally cool with victim blaming...

And yet despite the volatility of the situation, Republicans and Hillary Clinton continue to call for a no fly zone.

The Slot’s writers sure do like to point out the mainstream media’s obsession with bullshit while at the same time mostly reporting about a bunch of pointless, horserace bullshit.

I hope everyone who likes to spread the notion that Bernie has no appeal to minorities watches this. Those people have consumed too much establishment propaganda.

Actually, no - it’s worse than that. We’re pandered to, then ignored for four years.

I’m assuming you’re white, because only a white person would judge when a person of color should or shouldn’t be offended.

I’m voting for Bernie Sanders, actually.

As a Mexican-American, the pandering is insulting and super cringe-inducing.

Perhaps elevate someone else’s voice instead of constantly providing a platform (and free advertising) for Donald Trump while insisting you’re somehow on some morale, righteous high ground.

Yes, their software. Of which one of its functions is a database of that collected data. You know, hosting it.