I for one am enjoying seeing Obama and the Clintons living rent-free in so many heads.
I for one am enjoying seeing Obama and the Clintons living rent-free in so many heads.
There’s a great joke- “Hillary must watch nothing but Fox News because it’s the only network where she’s president.”
Also, their obsession with Hillary. Hell, she’s not now and never was President!
I’ve always thought a white, British woman/man of a certain class and/or wealth would always have a chance (and some desire) at marrying into the royal family. As for Meghan, it is only going to get worse once Harry and she are on Cyprus or somewhere, and she gets ‘tawny’ and doesn’t use that flat iron on the regular.…
Eh the dirt on Kate Middleton was much better, but it went away faster. Her guidance counselor was interviewed about how Kate was obsessed with going to the same university as William to the point she took a year off so she’d be the same year as he was when she started. That’s totally creepy because how can you want…
If you had fucked Donnie Jr. why would you actually want anyone to know about it?
“respect the wishes of the deceased who by his OWN words wanted nothing to do with black women in life , then maybe he should also have nothing to do with us in his death.”
You know that thing that happens when a black person, usually a man or Stacey Dash type, lives the white life and spends their public time ragging on black folk, and then the whites turn on them and alllll of a sudden they turn black again and start basically asking us to support them, like Clarence Thomas way back…
How is the OP being dense to wonder if the Root a leading black website is going to do a take on something that is in the blogosphere ?. Note the Op didnt elaborate on HER position on the matter just outlined her desire to see the Roots Take
This is not about “preference” and distilling it into that is just being deliberately disingenuous Did you even bother to find out what the issues were before you trotted out that tired trope of BW being upset about BM “ preferences” . Oscar Grant wife was Latina and BW went hard in the paint for him and given BM…
I’m talking about a piece on intersectionality and the burden Black women carry in doing the heavy lifting in activist work. Clearly, you won’t read it if/when it’s written. But, how dare anyone do anything but shut up.
Don’t trust the Bitch in Apt 23 was amazing. Title hurt it, should have just been “Apt 23"
Is the Root going to do a piece on Mr. Clark’s disdain for Black women, specifically dark-skinned Black women who are holding the state accountable for his life?
People who are mocking Ingraham for “only” attending Dartmouth don’t actually care if someone went to an Ivy or not. But, they understand shallow people like Ingraham care so they pretend to care in order to mock her. See The Onion headline above, it’s mocking both Ingraham and people who care about Ivy vs non-Ivy.
What do you mean, the — oh, let’s not get into this.
Everytime I look at that chinless, douchey, inbred-looking face, I’m just flabbergasted that he married, fathered children, and had an affair.
I appreciate you not dismissing my reply, as that was ENTIRELY expected. There are blogs online that were originally created for certain people, so we’d have a “safe place” (I know we all hate that term, but forgive my limited vocabulary here).
I am honestly amazed that you folks have the tolerance to be around Trump supporters. I have made it ABUNDANTLY clear to friends and family that if you voted for Trump, you are dead to me. Like forever.
My brother was killed in a wreck on Wednesday. He was 29. He was a good man, with a big heart. He overcame a lot of obstacles and had gotten his life headed the way he wanted to go, and then he swerved to miss a dog in the road. Just like that, one thing, and he’s gone.
Didn’t care about the sex you begged to fuck my mind, you can get addicted to a certain kind of madness