
I know you’re trying to make me feel sorry for her, but she has a huge ego and this should’ve been prepared better, so whoops for feeling schadenfreude 😉

“The incident upset some people on the Internet, who I suppose expect performers to mask their lip-syncing better.”

I’ll be honest? This wedding sounds like a nightmare and I would decline.

Honestly, I would RSVP no. Weddings are busy for the wedding party, and allowing (no, encouraging) each guest to bring a companion is really the bare minimum civilized gesture possible. No +1 = +0 in my book.

He either hates your boyfriend or has a no ring/no bring policy  

Wow. That sounds like a jerky invitation, never mind the actual person.

As per wiki: n journalism, a hot take is a “piece of deliberately provocative commentary that is based almost entirely on shallow moralizing” in response to a news story,[1] “usually written on tight deadlines with little research or reporting, and even less thought”.

I come from a very passive aggressive family so it was the first thing to jump to mind

How was he not invited? Was your invitation delivered without mention of a plus one? Or were you specifically asked not to bring your bf?

That still makes no sense, the fact is it usually always is the bride’s family that pays for the wedding, that’s not uncommon and the groom still gets as many guests as the bride. Is his side of the guests going to only consist of his parents and you? If there are others then your boyfriend should have been invited.

Yeah that’s super awkward. I had a fairly small wedding but our rule was as long as we had both met the SO or one of us was super close with the couple as a whole the both get invited. Why make people feel awkward and lonely when they don’t have to?

If it’s a huge wedding, this seems pretty rude.

Some people have a hard and fast rule that if you aren’t engaged or married, you don’t get to bring a date. Bringing a +1 doubles the guest list. It sucks, especially for people like you, but I wonder if they wanted to avoid drama “well SHE got to bring HER boyfriend”. I’m being very bridezilla and declaring who does

Logic and persistence doesn’t always win when you’re a single parent, suddenly lose your job and you have 3 kids.

Just some perspective - there’s not enough information in the early reports to make any sort of call on a prognosis but she (and we) may have gotten very, very lucky.

His enemies

I was actually thinking that they should start doing more shows with people of different ethnicities, yesterday. My husband and I love the show Black-ish. We are not Black, we’re Mexican, but, still, we connect to it. We connect to the fact that we are trying to preserve our culture while still belonging to a larger,

It’s not bad enough that the networks cater to “middle america” which is ridiculous, the #1 show is still NCIS with 20m viewers. Now we have to cater to “rural america”? How stupid are we in this country. Isn’t the point of watching shows to get out of your daily life and see something different and inspire you to be

lol damn dude what the hell, you sound kinda angry about this thing that was not mentioned in the article.

Fuck Tila Tequila and all other self-hating minorities that uphold white supremacy.