
It is interesting that the parts of the West outburst you chose to highlight were his apparent calling out of B and J. Meanwhile his assertion that though he didn’t vote, if he had he would have voted for Trump. In his little speech he caricatured the whine on the left about trump being “this or that” (I suppose

People like Tila and Kushner are self hating losers. An Asian and a Jew walk into a kkk meeting and .... help them succeed???? What the ever loving fuck?

this must be for white folks....

Have you memorized your CC number!? Well that’s stupid.

You burned our rights to the ground already because wahhh unlikeable Hillary and now you’re threatening to do it again just because we won’t accept your version of affairs? You sure set me straight. Maybe if we shut up and listen to your hot takes all year like we did for this campaign you might what... Burn it all

I think that this week listening a bunch of white liberals throw people of color and women under the bus in their obsession to cater to white working class voters who always vote republican particularly because of race and gender issues is really eye opening, and I’m utterly disgusted. If anyone bothered to look at

Who cares? So he’s a competent doctor, but he has some very dangerous and, frankly, STUPID ideas. I’m so tired that “oh but he’s a doctor” or “he went Ivy League.” That doesn’t make him smarter than anyone and when he talks about evolution being the LITERAL work of the devil and the big bang theory being a fairy tale,

Yup. List of major cities in the south whose counties voted democratic:

I donated in Pence and Trump’s names this morning.

Same.every Trump supportingmember of my family is getting a membership to the NAACP this holiday season. And Im answering every hateful post they make on sociel media. No more unfollow/unfrinding for me. Time to educate

You understand that Donald Fucking Trump is about to be our president and this is something people might want to actually fucking discuss, right? It’s kind of a thing.


Can you imagine how badly Obama is fucking with him now by briefing Trump in the highest intellectual manner, knowing Trump is just a buffoon and can’t possibly process or retain anything?

There aren’t enough hours in the day to work your way through school anymore. Tuition costs have risen enormously, and wages have not.

If you aren’t a church goer, there are still other worthy places to give more than just your time to.

Just sayin

This is going be a long four years. I doubt anyone will see this ever in the greys, but on the off chance they do, I would like to request making a worthy cause/organization to donate time and money to a weekly/regular feature here on Jezebel. This is a great list but people need to constantly and

Enough with this. You are sugar coating a RANCID HEAP OF SHIT. Is it “economic anxiety” when the fucking KKK endorses him? Is it worrying about jobs when supporters are beating the shit out of black people for showing up at his rallies?

The way liberals have attacked people accused of being a bigot is itself bigotry.

Except if you support a racist, sexist, xenophobe to lead your country, you are one, regardless of your reasoning. Obviously democrats should have done a better job trying to win votes from rust belt whites, but the people who voted for Trump don’t get a free pass on their bigoted act.

It depends what you mean by “America”. Americans with life threatening conditions who lose their insurance may very well NOT survive this. Americans who have their status in this country challenged may very well NOT thrive. American kids who get shot as a result of a “stop and frisk” gone wrong will NOT grow.