
Luckily, you don’t have to!

Look, I love Beyonce and everything she does, but if this is the ultimate fuck you to the mistress while still keeping the fuckboy, it loses seriousness and impact, IMO. This is like spray painting the mistress’ house with WHORE or SLUT on the front door, and then posting texts on social media and all that petty shit.

The conversation of black beauty is much more complicated than white women are the epitome of beauty. (Your statement is so broad is essentially becomes meaningless.) Black women will never be white so the ideal of beauty you speak of is completely unattainable. Unattainable beauty standards while interesting to talk

Agreed, I never believed that rumor and I can't explain why.

The criticism of Beyonce that does exist has always struck me as mostly uninformed and involves around what she wears. I’ve never once found her to not anything totally tasteful and put-together even when clad in attire these particular naysayers deem “too provocative for a feminist.” I don’t get that, but

Here is another perspective of the visual

Holy shit. You sound like an incredible person. He sounds damaged and scared.

Yes poor, dear Kim Kardashian, crying herself to sleep over the comments of Jezebel. Seriously though, I’ve seen more people stan for the Kardashians on this website than other place I’ve gone on the internet.

Those who don’t think the flu is serious are often the same who call every cold “the flu”. I had the flu a few years ago. It is NOT like a cold. If you’ve ever had real flu, you won’t mistake a cold for a flu, and you can certainly understand why it kills so many of the elderly, people with other diseases etc.

Well, it’s Teen Vogue, not Teen Peasant.

The plural of anecdotes—or rants—is not data.

Not only did the Windies men’s team win, they pulled off the double as the women’s team upset champs Australia who were going for their 4th straight world title.

Ugh, anything in the “Not one of those girls” genre can fuck off and die in a fire.

In my house we put both the seat and the lid down every time. Who wants to see inside the toilet bowl anyway?

Isn’t spending money on stuff not the reason why we earn money in the first place? Sure, if you are in trouble, save as much as you can. Other than that, just get your soda. That said, water is a lot healthier than a soda anyway.

You’re why people hate atheists.

You know, I think it’s quite amazing that this pope not only washes the feet of the poor and people of other religions but also kisses those same feet. Humbly. Not my thing and I generally don’t do religion but I will say that Cool Pope, despite still not totally onboard with the modern world, is doing a kick ass job

Klohe’s for Trump. I guaran- fucking-Tee it.

Your age has nothing to do with it. It is rude and off-putting to refer to a person you are not personally friendly with as a bitch. The phrase ‘bitch, please,’ may have some cultural context, but it is uncouth to assume cursing at a stranger will be accepted without insult. I’ve on occasion had to ask that

You’re language policing a stalking victim who’s been dealing with it for 10 years, and who just finally got a modicum of justice. Not the time or place for your 2 cents worth.