
I can practically smell their refusal to use deodorant wafting off my screen.

Unpopular opinion but I think it’s valid complaint. A lot of these “girl power” artists use it only to further themselves and their own careers but remain silent during the trials of others.

Holy hell! The “haaappppy biiiirthday” and clapping made me want to vomit. Treating the elderly like they are children is the ultimate disrespect.

Dear screenwriters and producers and Hollywood decision-makers. I am a white woman and I would watch the shit out of a movie that told the story of the women in this picture. They don’t have to suffer to sell tickets.

Of course 1) I’m stupid 2) I once smothered him with a pillow while he slept only to give up when I realized he wasn't going to push me off but rather just continue to lay there like an idiot and die.

That’s all I got.

I file stuff like this under “black men are still men,” ie, they might be marginalized for their skin, but they still treat women like shit.

Maybe. But I’m on Swift’s side. I know she’s a vanilla white girl we all roll our eyes over, but she’s one of many women who have to put up with this shit from men looking for cheap plugs.

Did you also caption the photo “sending you so much love” as though you were addressing your great aunt who lives in the old country rather than the tiny baby currently in your arms?

Sorry to be persnickety, but it’s “rend” garments - tearing at them in extreme distress or grief.

Your passionate and anecdotal defense of your assertion that bi-polar doesn’t exhibit itself after one’s twenties is strange. As with most things, bi-polar disease does not present in one universal way or age. My own father was first diagnosed and hospitalized as bi-polar after a breakdown in his fifties. Although he

Ellen is interwoven for me with my own coming out. My parents were both fans of her sitcom, and had been watching up to that point, and I knew it. I, fourteen, read in the newspaper about how she was a lesbian, and was coming out on her show, and how big a deal this was.

Yes because Africa is a monolith, there are parts of Africa in which even black people have to deal with racism.

She said, condescendingly

Anything under 68 degrees is too damn cold.

Habitat for Huge Manatees.

The minute Kerry Washington brings up the pay gap she’s gonna find herself on a list of “difficult to work with” actresses. Chris has nothing to lose speaking up for them

I know it’s popular to hate on Gwyneth but THAT is how you do divorce with kids. Too often the parents are selfish cry babies who can’t put their kids first for even a second. I can hate on GOOP the website but I give these two a lot of credit in the parenting department.

to me, it looks like buffys face is full of fillers, her neck don’t lie.

Hi there Noble Renard! Guess what. I was greyed again for this. Amazing. Bye, Jezebel, you are a thin-skinned place.