
I know these two are very popular around here for reasons that are lost on me. I find their constant need to live their private intimate life in a very public way weird.

The Rita Ora hate on this site is, and always has been, incredibly try-hard. She’s fine; I’m not her biggest fan, but it smacks of unnecessary bullying and it’s starting to grate.

I’m 34, not dating anyone and I worry about it a lot. And then I remember that my best friend had her daughter when she was 40. I know that doesn’t mean that I will have a child at 40, but it helps me remember that everyone is different and I shouldn’t panic.

You are free to say whatever hateful thing you want on public land - that’s free speech. You have the right to assembly for your KKK rally. Private lands have the right to deny you entry if they don’t like your flag just the same as I have the right to tell people to get out of my house if I don’t like what they say -

Has it begun already? Where Jezzies start calling you a bigot for going to church, even though they have no idea what the fuck the values of your congregation are?

“It’s really hard when you see people without homes, and money to buy food and .. that they could possibly die from that,” MY NEW HERO.

My theory was that she cheated on him and got pregnant and he dumped her, thus the sudden and abrupt end to their relationship followed by this revelation. Now she’s making it sound like she was like hey, let’s get on this baby making even if we’re not quite married yet because everyone knows that getting married

Ugh, that super-smug expression she gets while spouting her drivel is rage inducing.

Y’all not going to talk about her giving a shout out to the “gawker ghouls” who suggested her pregnancy was the argument for abortion?

I’m still stunned that it is somehow okay to strip a group of people of their nationalistic identity.

oh fuck off.

Yeah, it’s cool when white girls have children out of wedlock, but when a black woman does it, she’s a ghetto hoodrat welfare queen.

I’m more inclined to think she got knocked up by some side piece, and Meyer broke it off when he found out. Else, why no mention of him whatsoever in that post? It would explain why she comes across so depressed and dripping with shame.

Has anyone been speculating about her being pregnant? She comes out, guns blazing, about “trolls” forcing her announcement, but I don’t recall seeing anything previously.

So she calls off her engagement. A month later, she’s forced to admit she’s pregnant.

The real tragedy of this is that he can still look himself in the mirror every day, that it likely will not cross his mind even on a montly basis before too long. Meanwhile, this woman will live with the emotional scars for the rest of her life and every partner she has after this will suffer from the very valid trust

I wish Jezebel posted the full gallery of pictures. There is no way she is the biological product of those two white people in that picture of her “bio parents”

Call me crazy but she actually looks ALOT like her foster dad. Keep in mind that many mixed race children (and often many black children eg blue ivy) look

Does anyone remember Sammy Sosa? Whenever someone would refer to him as “black” or of “African descent” he would get a major attitude and respond by saying “I’m not black. I’m Dominican.” The DR has major problems with its African ancestry.

With all due respect to my follow Dominicans, you are some fucked up people. Haitian cleansing a side, you are obsessed with be white. The tons of hair straighter and skin bleach your country spends to make yourselves look white is embarrassing.

Let’s not forget that this is likely camouflage for not doing anything about gun control.