
Skinny fat for life person over here: Fuck you. You are the worst. Literally no one likes you. Anyone who does like you are awful themselves or are compelled due to blood ties. You do not get to say, "ick" regarding anyone's bodies ever. You do not have permission. You are not entitled to bestow this criticism. Even

While birth control should absolutely be available to girls/women of any age (and boys/men for that matter). I don't see anything wrong with discouraging teens from having sex.

You have no understanding of public health and the importance of containing the spread of disease. That is all.

Some do like called that but the majority of us just call ourselves black (i know shocking, right).

At your request Mark, I have joined "The Twitter"

Genuinely believe it all you want but that song is a direct reference to Tina and Ike Turner.

And promoting and sexualizing domestic abuse by a husband against a wife. 'Cause THERE's a great lesson for your daughter!

Johnny Carson's sex tape?!?

Well you know a lot of black men don't say motherfucking thing when a white woman says some off the wall bullshit to them. Had this been a black woman, he would've called her everything but a child of god.

srsly, Jezebel??!! Yet ANOTHER piece about "aging" from a thirty-something. I am smacking my monitor with my rolled-up copy of AARP Magazine. While I appreciate what an interesting life-story this writer has to tell, don't EVEN ... EVEN think about trumpeting it as being about "aging." Y'all need to get over your

"I don’t remember the term I used..."

As completely cliche as it is, I've always lived by the motto, "Enjoy getting older, many people don't get to do it."

The harder you push yourself to find a partner by a self-decided deadline, the lower your standards.

Dear Susan,
You're a relic of a bygone age dishing out advice to a generation you don't know or understand. Your book is an attempt to justify your life choices, even though your marriage didn't work out. (Shockingly.)

It was awkward, but to be fair, you did cut off where she says "they are probably thinking there's that girl who kisses all those white guys on her show." When asked "what do you think everyone here is thinking about you?"

Just to make it clear - fellas, sticking your penis into a Black woman's vagina does NOT buy you a lifetime racism permit.

It doesn't make you "NOT RACIST!!!!" either

Just ask this guy:

By his metric, Strom Thurmond was
one of the least racist guys ever.

There would be a lot less vitriol and a lot more organic tea spat on keyboards.

Whenever I read that about SJP I keep thinking it's her way of saying 'I have bunions now,' because having bunions sounds bad, but growing a bone in your foot sounds like you took one for the team. I've never heard of someone growing an entirely new bone in their foot by wearing stilettos - that's some heavy evolution