
Please don't give this woman ideas.

"There's nothing inherently wrong with Bennet's ambition."

Can we please stop painting parenting as the only way to get "the highest highs" in life? It's extremely self-righteous and condescending to those who don't want kids, and a knife to the heart of those that do but are having fertility issues. People are different and varied and value different things. You do you &

You guys obviously don't know shit about being concepty and avant garde. Ignoring the bride and not even inviting her to the wedding is about as avant garde as it gets. The man is a futurist. We should all be worshiping him.

I am dealing with it by saying it is awful and stupid.

It's up there with "irregardless".

Fuck me diagonally, "addicting" is not a thing. The word for the concept you are trying to describe is "addictive." It is a word intended just for that purpose.

Definitely read that girl's name as whitey

Does anyone remember the interview Victoria did with Allure a few years ago in which the reporter asked the following:

I prefer the taste of skim or 1% over whole-I can't be the only one?

Pass on the breastmilk, thanks. I also gave up wearing diapers and eating strained carrots.

For the inevitable "I don't trust science" "They just change things on a whim" comments...

Two posts about porn in a row!

I always end up trailing off midway through the tangent and looking around the room kind of thinking about my day and stuff I should be doing before remembering I was in the middle of reading something. It's not so fun.

How about an actual myth to debunk?
Myth: A virgin will bleed when her "cherry" is popped.

She's only 29.

You can do as you please but it appears as an affectation online and doesn't reflect well on you. Also, repeatedly referring to people as 'bitch' and typing stuff like "dayumm bitcchhh izzzzz dummmb you" makes you seem rude.

No need to call her a bitch tho. It's rude and downright sexist.

She was young at the time. Why is everyone calling her a bitch? She obviously is worth way more now than she was even BEFORE nearly going bankrupt. And it's not that she doesn't realize she's spending millions... she apparently didn't realize how much money she had total. Still bad but... again, she was young.