It’s not hate. It’s exasperation because she is nowhere near self-made.
It’s not hate. It’s exasperation because she is nowhere near self-made.
Are they working you 7 days a week now?
Its a rule made up by guys that will likely never have a girl to give anything to. Incel bitterness ftw
Also damn like mind your own fucking business anyway
I’m a working mom and I think she’s full of shit and doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground. Sorry.
There comes a time when you’re done acquiring “crap.”
Also, I have not alerted the correct authorities quite yet. I am hiring a private investigator who does elder abuse cases and when I have enough information including a working phone number for my fiancee’s relatives who are not senile. Then I will strike. I am trying not to be to negative about this grifter chick too…
I hope this chick gets what’s coming to her.
I was wondering how you were doing. I’m sorry he’s still with the grifter but happy to hear you are taking care of yourself. It’s kind that you want to save him from her but you’ve alerted his family and the proper authorities. I think you’re going to just have to let them deal with it for now. I certainly don’t blame…
Leaving school and joining the work force is a big change. What you’re feeling is normal. It will take some time to adjust. In the meantime try taking care of yourself. Depending on your insurance situation I’d suggest a therapist if you don’t already have one. Are you taking birth control for your acne? It often…
I volunteered as a way to make friends. I found some really nice caring people that way. I also weirdly made friends at gym classes. Just talk to other young women there. It helps if you do yoga or some other class that is popular with the youngs these days.
Good point. I think some people really want to speak up though even if it comes at considerable risk. Some people are just tired of hiding when they have done nothing wrong. Even rape has an expiration date as a crime but not crossing the border, are you kidding me? (rethorical of course). Anyway, the point is, her…
I have had a very difficult month. My fiancee who is disabled and blind was actually wheeled away by my roommate with no call or note. I found out that he did not want me to contact him through the sheriff doing the follow up to the missing persons report that I filed. Now, I am not great, but I do something…
You are young, and a college graduate. One of the sucky parts of being an adult now is that you have to realize certain times of your life will remain in a bubble and you have to go on and make a life. You sound like you took advantage of all there was to offer in school and made lots of friends. Those skills are…
Must be nice. To have a country worth celebrating and all.
Uh, I wouldn’t. It’s hard to know without more context, but dating your friend’s ex is generally considered a dick move.
Dont do it.
Oh, goody. The Russian trolls are here.