Green and Silver :)

I am sick and goddamned tired of being told to be civil to motherfucking Nazis.

This is absolutely insane - and extremely dangerous. My father in law works in the administration, does this mean when we go out to dinner we should be ambushed?!?

Weird slippery slope fallacy here. It’s fairly easy to determine who’s actively supporting the administration and who’s not.

Nope. You can’t only be an advocate for disenfranchised people one day a year. That’s not good enough, not while children are separated from their parents, not while Holocaust memorials are vandalized, not while people are beaten for being gay or trans, not while unarmed black and brown people are shot dead by police,

They should be able to eat outside their homes in peace, while black and brown people can’t go outside without fear of deportation, incarceration, or worse? Hell no. 

Are you actually calling detaining asylum seekers and putting children in cages a set of “beliefs” that one should be allowed to hold in peace? Words have really and truly lost all meaning. I can’t...

Actually there is no federal protection for not being hired or being fired for one’s political beliefs. Being a Democrat or Republican doesn’t put you in a “protected class” like race, sex, national origin, or medical disability.  


Refusing service to a “group” - blacks, gays, people with disabilites - on and on and on.... is quite different from refusing service to a particular person. In this case the mouthpiece of the president. Like you might refuse service to Harvey Weinstein. He has made it very clear who he is and what he stands for and I

Folks need to get with their history. There’s a long, proud tradition of the public directly confronting their rulers when those rulers are fuckups. Ask George III how his gilded carriage (in which he was a passenger) fared against anti-war protesters. Ask George IV whether the public respected the dignity of his


I’m confused. They themselves want to yell and scream bigoted bullshit on television under the guise of work; they want to protest women seeking basic healthcare on the street; they want to have their president hold press conferences where he calls entire continents shit holes and people vermin - and they’re mad that

We are seriously discussing whether or not to let this administration eat in peace while children are being ripped from parents and asylum seekers are being denied entry. This is incredibly stupid.

But not in MY restaurant!

And may no member of the Trump adminstation ever enjoy a tamale again. 

THANK YOU Congresswoman Waters!!! Is it possible to cry both tears of grief and tears of joy? A the same time? He has “stepped on ALL of us.” I want to believe that she is speaking to ALL Americans, of ALL colors, because we came to hear you and cheer you on!

Exactly. They wanted this shit, now they get to deal with the consequences. Big deal that these assholes can’t eat in a restaurant when there are mommies and daddies out there who don’t know where their children are being held. Good fucking riddance.

Shut the fuck up , Meghan McCain.

If so-called “morality” defenses are legitimate reasons for bakeries to not sell cake to gay folks, then by definition, businesses get to use the reverse to refuse service/sales to fascist despots and their minions.

Fuck them. Who cares if they want to eat in peace? They don’t let us live in peace.