Green and Silver :)

What a beautiful happy boy!!!

:D Thank you!!!! I’m dying over here laughing! I definitely needed that. <3

She is gorgeous! LOL at your dog though...

Warning - not exactly a happy post, but if you have words of encouragement please share!

I think Taylor is ready for it to change. She is finally becoming fearless beyond her wildest dreams, and knows all too well that this love of her innocent fans will be forever and always. When she has a second to breathe, she’ll have the best day knowing she did something gorgeous in this sad, beautiful, tragic

That is absolutely heartbreaking. I was also a tall 11 year old (stopped growing then) and even though I had no curves and a baby face that was the first time I experienced catcalling. The guy was significantly older (30s-40s). I remember the look on his face and what he said, almost 20 years later. I stopped walking

I think Mary J Blige has had very specific trauma and instances of repeated assualt that she doesn’t want to discuss publicly. She has alluded to this on multiple occasions. (Sorry typing on a phone so no links rn)

“Writing” the original music right? Also can I be ungreyed? I’m not a troll!!

Omg those are stunning!!! You did that yourself? You are super talented!!

Omg it’s so close to being true though! My older cat has taught the little one how to open closed doors, how to successfully beg for treats and how to.jump and teach high places. Together there is nothing they cannot open/reach.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Love and hugs from am internet stranger.

Basically, its faster, is practically odorless and (in my experience) lasts longer without chipping. I tend to chip even gel manicures - and this has been on my nails so long with my usual wear and tear (I guess I’m just careless?) with absolutely no chipping. I feel like I have nails of steel! The place I go to

Mimi knows whats up! Hiding is the best way to stay safe. Orion is so fancy, and his tongue showing just makes it even better!!

And he is such a handsome boy!!!

Bags are magical crackly things!! Of course the baby likes them! :)

Aww those faces though! How can you say no to that?

Awww most precious baby!

Eeeee so sparkly!!!

Hi again Jezzies,

Hi Jezzies! Nail update!