The lesson to every team has to be never trade. Trade away assets and a guy can just aggro his way out of his contact, then a team not willing to part with assets gets the player on .70c/$. The NFL trade system is now fundamentally destroyed.
ah, so Martian Law is an asshole for not knowing the rules of who can stand on the sideline. You're right, that's much better.
Butt-Sliding to victory.
No idea if this is at least 800 pixels cos it’s on my phone, but ah well here ya go!
The fuck are you talking about? StarFox 64 is leaps better than the original StarFox and both X and GX are better than the original F-Zero.
I do like when games give us the choice, so that everyone is covered. That said, as much as I don’t like to admit it, I have to partially agree with you. It’s part of what makes playing Control a bit “off” for me. It’s not that I mind playing as a female character but it’s the cut scenes/interactions, even the…
Do you see it? When I am dust, this is what they’ll point to! My Quadtych! My masterpiece.
Can we unleash her on all the misogynistic neck beards who somehow think her and Brie Larson are worse than Hitler?
You are extremely invested in making people very aware that they should be angry and upset with something that they appear to have largely made peace with, something that by your own admission you should have no personal investment in.
That is obsession. Move on, wierdo.
Cut that artwork into pieces.
Thanks for sharing this piece Luke, I’ll be asking Steam to immediately refund my Founder’s Edition purchase.
Hey yo
You’re part of the problem, right here. I know you’re trying to comment on the game, but you’re doing it at a shitty time and place and totally reinforcing the actual issue. This person is good at lots of games, and would kick both our asses at most to all of them.
This is so fucking retarded. I don’t even understand why esport teams are not mixing boys and girls. Such a huge scene showing to everyone we are all fucking equal, especially when we are sitting in front of a screen with a keyboard and mouse as tools. That would be amazing.
But I guess we’re only in 2019. :/
That’s another way Millennials have ruined society. Froot Loops used to be three flavours: red flavour, yellow flavour, orange flavour. And we were fine.
Off topic of this film, but would be good for this AV Club series: Lethal Weapon franchise.