Sly Jackal

Really makes you think this backlash isn’t about respecting the country at all, doesn’t it?

You may not know this, but the US had such a luxury tax.

You’re overestimating the sarcasm-detection skills of many readers.

Also he fucks horses.

Annnnnd I’m sure all of this was planned. What a fucking idiot.

As Harvey’s new lawyer I will HUNT you down and SUE you for your DISGUSTING lies. I will RUIN you pal.

I’m sure everything was fine until she was backed into a corner and forced to watch him jerk off into a ficus tree.

There is no defending this cow. However valid your point is. Which, obviously, it is a valid point. MK is not valid. She is bigot that no one likes and if she looks like she is failing that is great.

I’m shocked. SHOCKED.

If Verstappen has a reliable car in 2018, he could certainly be in the hunt for the drivers title. Stroll caused the collision with Vettel when he swerved toward the outside, but I don’t think Stroll saw him.

’m sorry I wasn’t aware we always had to agree with our husbands.

There are plenty of places in the world where a 5 series would stick out like a sore thumb.

This is what the $6,800 worth of damage looked like:

If a NASCAR fan were flying the Confederate Flag, wouldn’t that be about as disrespectful toward the American Flag as anything in the history of America?

As myself and numerous other vets have pointed out, our oath is “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” It has nothing to do with flag, or the National Anthem, or public fucking sporting events. People who want to make this “about the troops” are

In case anyone’s gearing up to say that Maxwell doesn’t respect the troops, here’s a quote by him from 2015:

shit, when did football get taken off the list of sports? did it take chess, bowling, and poker with it?

It is an architectural disaster.

What makes it “McMansion Hell”?

No one ever trains for these situations.