Sly Jackal

Not the same car, unless they removed the sunroof too and re-skinned the roof.

Because those are boring and uninspired?

Wow...further proof that those who run Facebook are simply complete assholes. BBC should have reported Facebook for receiving child porn just to stick it to them. Technically Facebook did ask for the pictures, which is *also* illegal. Just wow...

Wow, looks like they’re about to get alot of sales from Jalopnik commenter now!

Can you hear that? It’s the sound of everyone who payed too much for a 911 R crying.

This is nothing like the Phaeton...

I don’t recommend anyone going to the Identity Evropa site, but if you do, you will be unable to keep yourself from laughing at the group of guys on their main page.

If not for the jump, get him for the unlawful conversion (presumably), destruction, and trespass of public lands.

It was exactly what I wanted (I have a UK proxy for iPlayer). It felt fresh and substantial. The Ferrari segment was hair raisingly good. The Kazakh road trip was solid fun (props to Mr Reid for picking the perfect car for the job imo) and the camerawork was as good as ever. The only thing that fell a bit flat was

Some say...this is a return to form.

Jalopnik commenters like clean designs. Case in point, look at how many Jalops bought the last-gen Civic Si.

This is exactly why it’s perfect. People hating on this car either don’t really understand what it’s about (being totally, unashamedly loud and boisterous) or are too old to be in the market for it anyway.

I engage in conversations but I have a magic phrase “Alright, got to go back to work :)“ that works 100% of the time.

I would have assumed they got some more savvy people from GM to help avoid this amount of negative press is all.

Sure, but you know what? After 5 year in a Corolla, CR editor will quit and go work in a boring job instead. That’s how much damage a Toyota does to one’s brain.

Yes, but when the model 3 is released with the non-movable screen, lack of real gear selector and the vents that run along the width of the dash - it will be hailed as “minimalistic excellence.”

This is kind of a pointless exercise if 80% of the jeans listed are various fits of Levi’s. It would be far more constructive to recommend five different brands of jeans and leave the individual style up to the readers. Now that four of the five options are from the same company this is really just asking people which

This is kind of a pointless exercise if 80% of the jeans listed are various fits of Levi’s. It would be far more

I said this in another blog post...

Where is your evidence that “few will ever use” California’s high speed rail system?