
This episode made me look at the clock and ask "Damn, is it 11 already?" which is a good thing in my book.

Savitar-in-Julian also addressed HR as "the fake Wells." As far as we know, he actually is Wells, just not from the same earth. Savitar isn't from that earth either, why would he object to Wells?

I don't know if it's been explicitly stated, but I get the impression spiritual beings are meant to be preternaturally attractive to mere mortals.

This show manages to carry a fairly big cast of regulars, any of whom can interact with any of the others and still be enjoyable.

Mike is portrayed as a serial womanizer with deep abandonment issues. I don't want to say Ginny has cliched "daddy issues" but she clearly has unfinished business with her father that will never be resolved.

Joe Lo Truglio with the devil sticks is my favorite background gag this season

I also figured they shared an apartment. Their friends congregate there, they both always seem to be around, etc.

It was probably a mistake to credit George Tchortov as Catalan.

Princely bodyguards don't escape from dying planets. Princes do.

A bit out of left field, but I'm rooting for David Hyde Pierce.

They still find mayors and district attorneys, don't they?

Tom Ellis is the sort of actor who should be playing James Bond instead of cavorting on some American network show.

It's funny that his family name is now also El and Kara thought nothing of it. Considering how big a deal is made of the House of El, and the way the names are built (Kal-El, Jor-El, Kara daughter of Zor-El, etc.) I would assume that all Els should be in some way related.

Keiynan Lonsdale is Australian. Paul Blackthorne (Quentin Lance) is English, as is Maisie Richardson-Sellers (the new old Vixen). Going back, Rick Cosnett (Eddie Thawne) is Zimbabwean, Falk Hentschel (Hawkman) is German, and Casper Crump (Vandal Savage) is Danish. Dom Purcell (Mick Rory) is "Irish" but natively has an

It was a flashback. Her father died in a car crash after she won a state championship in high school. His memory has motivated her since then.

I'm a bit annoyed that her father is dead, because he was being set up as an unsympathetic character and now the audience will have a reason to root for him.

Hopefully they let AIDA be comic relief instead of just a looming presence. Mallory Jansen's definitely got the chops.

Ghost Driver so badly wants to be the Punisher.

If that's real Archer, then real Archer very clearly wanted to be shot with THAT gun and deliberately steered into the pool, where he would otherwise drown if he lost consciousness. I think there's more plan to be revealed down the line.

Tom Cavanagh will surely be back, this time as the original Earth-1 no-longer-murdered Harrison Wells