
It’s quite frustrating that some of the most requested fighters like Travis, Bomberman, Ashley and hell even Viridi were relegated to Mii costumes while more mundane picks made it as fighters.

To everyone saying that Charles Martinet should do the voice:

What’s funny is that any of the cast so far announced, other than Pratt, could very easily play a live action version of their character just as easily (possibly more-easily) than an animated one. 

No people mocked it because the worldbuilding was lazy and relied entirely on poorly thought and lazy racial coding.

They have to file the suit to be able to ask for court orders to get the ISPs to identify the subjects of the suit.

Unfortunately because Twitch has no discoverability tools, so users rely on the ability to send their viewers to other streamers. Maybe if they had their act together in that regard they could scale the raid feature down, but that still wouldn’t stop people from organizing the raids outside of the built-in feature.

... What an awful solution. The feature is great for helping bring smaller streamers a larger audience, giving them an opportunity to shine. If say someone with a 5k audience raids someone with a 500 person audience that’s views, ad revenue, potential subs. Why take that away because some asshole is being an asshole?


Black Widow “fell off a cliff”

For a brand new MCU hero who didn’t have a lot of prior mainstream credentials, to do a number on par with what Fast and Widow, with long-established characters people have watched for over a decade, is pretty good! Especially since MCU origin movies that aren’t tapping into a cultural zeitgeist like BP or Captain

Slowly but surely we’ve seen the “dump months” fall. March was until 300 did insane business (then The Hunger Games years later). GOTG knocked down the August door. Deadpool proved you could open a big non-specifically-Valentine’s movie in February. Furious 7 crushed April. Now a big opening in September, on

You’re misreading the estimate. $75-85 million was for the 4 day weekend. Sunday’s final numbers are not in yet, so I’m surprised how many outlets don’t seem to acknowledge this. I’m happy advanced ticket sales have done so well, and that it’s tracking for $71 million, but the final numbers for Sunday are the final

Easy, they didn’t want to foot the bill to mocapping and render the Hulk again for just this one scene. I bet the explanation will be “well...we never said he can’t change back...”.

Now playing

And then the moon comes crashing into the Earth, and whattya gonna do then?

Hmm...not too sure how I feel about this article honestly. It feels kinda...tacky? I don’t know. If I want a score for a game, I’m gonna go to IGN or GameSpot, if I want to know anything deeper than that, I’m going to come here to Kotaku where I know you guys will be looking at things in a very different light than

There’s few things I dislike more than metacriticism on other folks’ criticism,. It’s self-indulgent, preachy, petty and often incredibly hypocritical. Particularly when it comes from Kotaku, a website which couldn’t resist the clickbait that is Cyberpunk 2077 to prop up its (poor) review of The Ascent and indulged in

It’d be rad to be in that street gang.

I mean the original was about cultural colonization and appropriation of myths (even going back to the original short story, though that was more focused on class than race.)