
Thanks! You learn something new every day.

Now playing

I loved the single player story mode of MK9 SO MUCH. Sure it's cheesy, but it's my kind of cheesy.

This trailer makes me so happy, i was hoping they'd do the story mode like they did in MK9. I'm never gonna be good at the competitive side but i can at least appreciate MK for the gross out fatalities and the story.

GET OVER HERE..........LLLLLaaaaaaadies

At time of writing, people were trying to get him over a narrow bridge. And had been trying to do it for hours.

I kinda want an Alfred Pennyworth simulator now. Though that could be in part because I started watching batman the animated series.

Don't cross the streams.

The irony is delicious.

At least I can rely on Nintendo to not ship bug-laden games on the 3DS. It's still too impractical to leave those games unplayable.

they were too busy about making costumes for dlc

I was stuck in the cargo hold of Truth & Reconciliation for THREE MONTHS on Legendary, so I dunno. Watching someone breeze through it might just make me angry. ;)

Is there a new trick to being able to play the shattered MCC and have it work properly?

Yeah, maybe Geometry Wars wasn't the best example to use here.

Then I suppose you are not one of the "many players" described.

Huh? Have you never heard of DLC?

The check is in the mail, I suggest you wait by the box to sign for it when it arrives, it should be there shortly...

Navi would be voiced by Aaron Paul. "Hey! Listen, Bitch!"

Thank goodness it's friday.

New Leo on a friday? This friday being amazing confirmed.

down, quarter turn, forward, punch