
Exactly. He's not a critical thinker and I don't think his answers are *that* horrible. Really, what else could one day about that video with Mike brown, it's a touchy subject and quite frankly very tasteless for ebony to be like 'ooooooh, did you watch what mike did to that clerk!?'

Why was the Ebony interviewer bringing these up? The store video and Bill Cosby's reaction, why not talk about neautral music crap. Sounds like they were baiting, Pharrel's answers aren't too bad, not perfect but not Pro-Darren Wilson either. I don't think anyone here supports what was seen in the video, and Pharrell

$9 (the 'profit') for every $15 shirt? Hahaha, they are keeping that extra $4.50 profit for themselves, no way it's $6 to make them.

Some looting/rioting is happening in Oakland, but it's a mixture of ethnicities aka not just black people.

She *was* a baby, like barely kindergarten age. As far as I heard, Bill is an alleged rapist, not a rapist and a violent pedophile. So yeah, satire article words it as if she was an adult, shes clarifying the timeline.

some have jobs within the body modification community too, piercing an tattooing. But overall, yeah, they live in packs with unconventional lifestyles.

you made a good point but got the 'chewbacca defense' equilivant response. 'La la I can't hear you' doesn't answer your (excellent) original question.

seriously. If your 2-4 year old actually is climbing on chairs and getting into high places you need to stop neglecting your kids. Yes, that means put down the glass of wine and supervise the little humans you didn't abort. For fucks sake, toddlers climbing on chairs and cabinet is not some cutesy norm.

you have to have writers follow you. I can post on Jezebel, here, and Roygbiv but with Gawker I'm still in the grey. And it's probably going to stay that way becuase I star and agree with posters who call out a writer for exploiting or being hypocritical about a topic.

Lemme tell you, the bringing back the swastika shit has to go. Blonde dudes with dreads who love yoga better get the fuck out with that foo foo lame shit. I mean, if they can't have swastikas they will just steal the mandala, Ganesha, Om symbol but at least with those I don't have to play the 'is this a hippie racist

The only things that's a sin is her pants.

This is what I hate about occasionally being a cashier at Target: the God damn Red Cards. And like us, I bet CVS cashiers has higher ups up their ass over it, like they have to get a minimum.

It's funny. Get mad at him for not having all black women on his cover but erase the identity of his wife, you know, the woman he loves as opposed to random model that his agent hired.


fuck this noise.

Dear Polaris fans: It was a joke.

Normally I rush my Gawker comments since I have a read during those quiet inbetween breaks. So I didn't mean all white people! I more meant the Fox talking heads and their viewers.

Also this show is awesome and I wish it could become trendy enough for DVDs to come out (same with Brothers Garcia, LOVED THAT SHOW.)

While I enjoyed the show, Pete & Pete wasnt *that* good. Now its nostalgic tv for hipsters because the show featured quirky people, a theme song by the poor man's Violent Femmes, and it so 'SO 90's!!!!!' so people remember it fondly.

While I enjoyed the show, Pete & Pete wasnt *that* good. Now its nostalgic tv for hipsters because the show featured quirky people, a theme song by the poor man's Violent Femmes, and it so 'SO 90's!!!!!' so people remember it fondly.