There are guys in the Jaguar XJS community that have made shooting brakes out of XJS coupes. Personally not my thing, but that’s not the point I want to make.
There are guys in the Jaguar XJS community that have made shooting brakes out of XJS coupes. Personally not my thing, but that’s not the point I want to make.
Only after you get the stock alignment fixed so they don’t understeer the owner, or my neighbor, into a ditch. Lol.
Forgetting for a moment the sheer entertainment value, you can actually LEARN a lot on a wet track that you just don’t experience when it’s dry.
It was Tongue-in-Cheek addressing people’s unjust criticism of the BRZ/FRS twins HP.
As a BRZ owner, it sounds like you’re doing it wrong.
I assume no longer on the stock tires?
You wouldn’t put an E30 M3 on the track? And he is the heathen?
Heathen, yes. In an ideal world, absolutly I would track that thing! The amount of abuse it has already gone through, it deserves a second life.
At $12k it would be a worthwhile restoration or track car, at $28k I almost shot coffee out my nose.
Offer car people want. Raise price so nobody wants it. Kill car due to lack of demand. Genius.
I’ve been karting with 2 distinct groups. Theres my racing friends, where we usually rent out the track and have some spectacularly epic battles that can only be fought by those who trust eachother on the track. For us its awesome, but the reason we rent out the track is for someone who doesn’t want to be in the…
Lease an ATS-V.
I interviewed with Uber corporate in NYC for a software engineer position. I wasn’t likely to get an offer, but I broke it off before we made it to that point anyway.
I know I am a weirdo. But I keep thinking about how awesome this car would be without the turbos and with a suspension tune so it’s a 450 HP NA track car.
California has no state safety inspection. Of all the places I’ve lived, I’ve never seen so many completely bald tires - like, slicks or corded - as I’ve seen here. Mostly when I lived in Southern California, but also here in the Bay Area too. Also, cars with different size tires on each corner, totally useless old…
You couldn’t be more wrong about the rain in the Bay Area. I lived in Menlo Park (right near Stanford) for 5 years and every year we would go from April to November without a drop falling. None. Drive up to Pacifica, and things were very different.
This makes way more sense than Alonso. Lewis and Jenson appeared to actually get along when they were teammates.
Well it would be a great time to update their rivalry video from ‘07.
I have to say, having watched the Grand Tour yesterday and now this, I like this a lot better. The boys are really fun to watch when they are goofing around, but their reviews were starting get a bit stale. LeBlanc has a nice delivery and his opinions aren’t just the same superlatives repeated over and over again. I…